Thursday, May 01, 2008

End of the Month - April 2008.

End of Month Stats:
Total found - April 2008: $34.93
Average Amount Found per Day: $1.17 cents

Stock Holdings
FMJ and B&C Fund - Stock Held:
19.337 Shares/PEI Worth: $486.90
22.247 Shares/GRT Worth: $266.96
40.996 Shares/UDR Worth: $1,036.38

Total Stocks Held Value: $1,790.24
Value last month: $1,724.13
Stock purchase cost: $1,798.29
Loss of Value from Stock Cost: ($8.05)

Other Funds Owned:
Non-deposited FMJ Funds(still in the jar): $71.97
FMJ Savings Account: $71.91
Note: a jar count on November 1, 2007 was done and $200.00 deposited in the savings account to cover the purchase of more shares in PEI. On October 24, $147.00 was used for the purchase of 3.991 shares of PEI.

Dividend & Interest Income
This month: $31.51
Savings Interest 2007: 98 cents
Savings Interest 2006: $1.77
Dividends 2006: $34.30
Dividends 2007: $88.04
Dividends 2008: $54.82
Non-reinvested Dividends: $17.10
Total Dividends Received: $243.11 (Since 2003 merger of CWN & PEI)

Total Asset Value of FMJ Fund: $897.74

Bottles and Cans Fund
Running Balance: $1,139.48
Cash used to purchase stock: $1,013.17
Cash Account Balance: $126.31
Sept. 30, 2007: $999.18
B&C Stocks/cash value: $1,162.69
Gain in B&C Fund: $23.21

Total Value of Both Funds:
April 30, 2008: $2,060.43
March 31, 2008: $1,950.76
February 29, 2008: $1,830.87
December 31: 2007: $1,817.99
November 30, 2007: $2,075.57
October 31, 2007: $2,230.89
September 07: $2,327.61
August 07: $2,217.07
July 07: $2178.49
*Increase from Prior Month: $109.67

* Increase due to better current share prices, recycling, & money finds that offset prior unfavorable share prices for REITs which had been in a period of declining during the second half of 2007.

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