Saturday, August 09, 2008

A Belated End of the Month Report for July.

End of Month Stats:
Total found - July 2008: $5.07
Average Amount Found per Day: 17 cents

Stock Holdings
FMJ and B&C Fund - Stock Held:
20.659 Shares/PEI Worth: $380.54
22.973 Shares/GRT Worth: $213.87
40.996 Shares/UDR Worth: $1047.04

Total Stocks Held Value: $1,641.45
Value last month: $1,644.26
Stock purchase cost: $1,816.91
LOSS in Value from Stock Cost: ($175.46)

Other Funds Owned:
Non-deposited FMJ Funds(still in the jar): $59.41
FMJ Savings Account: $0.00
Note: $100.00 from the savings account and jar has been sent for the purchase of more shares of PEI in the Dividend Reinvestement Plan. We haven't received the trade confirmation, as yet.

Dividend & Interest Income
This month: $7.11
Savings Interest 2007: 98 cents
Savings Interest 2006: $1.77
Dividends 2006: $34.30
Dividends 2007: $88.04
Dividends 2008: $66.33
Total Dividends Received: $261.44 (Since 2003 merger of CWN & PEI)

Total Asset Value of FMJ Fund: $753.82

Bottles and Cans Fund
Running Balance: $1,217.27
Cash used to purchase stock: $1,013.17
Cash Account Balance: $204.10
Sept. 30, 2007: $999.18
B&C Stocks/cash value: $1,251.14
Gain in Value in B&C Fund: $33.87

Total Value of Both Funds:
July 31, 2008: $2,004.96
June 30, 2008: $1,975.10
May 31, 2008: $2,128.91
April 30, 2008: $2,060.43
March 31, 2008: $1,950.76
February 29, 2008: $1,830.87
December 31: 2007: $1,817.99
November 30, 2007: $2,075.57
October 31, 2007: $2,230.89
September 07: $2,327.61
August 07: $2,217.07
July 07: $2178.49
*Increase from Prior Month: $29.86

* Increase due to better stock price for UDR, money finds and recycling. Still, stock prices for real estate Investment trust have fallen during the past 3 months. June & July 2008 haver been the worst months for stocks in 20 years.

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