Tuesday, November 18, 2008

FMJ - Day 962

November 17: I found a penny while pumping gas for $2.35 per gallon at the Shell Station on Yosemite Ave. An afternoon excursion to the Glendale Galleria and I find a penny and a dime while being a "flaneur." A late at night run to the Von's down the street for some ATM cash and dog food allowed us to find a One Euro coin and a dime near the coin counting machine. (That single Euro coin is worth $1.25 in our money. We save all our foreign coin finds to be converted in the future and will add the U.S. Money we received for them at that time.)

Today's Stats
Money Finds: $.22
Bottles & Cans Collected: 3
Running Stats
This Month: $1.01
Last Month: $5.90
2008 Finds: $86.91
Since FMJ Blog Inception: $470.72 (March 28, 2006)
Total Found for FMJ Fund: $930.86 (since 1-1-2000)
Bottles and Cans Collected: 73 for the month
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $1,299.45

1 comment:

Rachella said...

What a great idea! I'm always finding money, but never keep track of it.