Wednesday, December 03, 2008

End of the Month - November 2008!

End of Month Stats:
Total found - October 2008: $12.92
Average Amount Found per Day: 43 cents
All Funds/Total Income: $60.80

Stock Holdings
FMJ and B&C Fund - Stock Held:
26.595 Shares/PEI Worth: $119.68
24.306 Shares/GRT Worth: $56.63
57.138 Shares/UDR Worth: $864.50

Total Stocks Held Value: $1,040.81
Value 09/30: $2,208.94
Stock Purchase Cost: $1,969.21
LOSS in Value from Stock Cost: ($928.40)

Other Funds Owned:
FMJ cash (still in the jar): $87.34
B&C Fund Cash: $294.48

Dividend & Interest Income
This month: $24.03
Savings Interest 2007: 98 cents
Savings Interest 2006: $1.77
Dividends 2006: $34.30
Dividends 2007: $88.04
Dividends 2008: $125.74
Total cost of stocks purchased: $1,969.21

Total Asset Value of FMJ Fund: $263.65

Bottles and Cans Fund
Running Balance: $1,307.65
Cash used to purchase stock: $1,013.17
Dividends Reinvested: $53.00
Cash Account Balance: $294.48
Sept. 30, 2007: $999.18
B&C Stocks/cash value: $1,158.98

Total Value of Both Funds:
November 30, 2008: $1,422.63
October 31, 2008: $1,910.99
September 30, 2008: $2,526.44
August 31, 2008: $2,311.83
July 31, 2008: $2,004.96
June 30, 2008: $1,975.10
May 31, 2008: $2,128.91
April 30, 2008: $2,060.43
March 31, 2008: $1,950.76
February 29, 2008: $1,830.87
December 31: 2007: $1,817.99
November 30, 2007: $2,075.57
October 31, 2007: $2,230.89
September 07: $2,327.61
August 07: $2,217.07
July 07: $2178.49
*Decrease from Prior Month: ($488.36)

Make that TWO MONTHS for the stock market to be sucking wind!!!

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