Saturday, November 03, 2007

End of the Month -- October 2007

End of Month Stats:
Total found - October 2007: $3.79
Average Amount Found per Day: 12 cents

FMJ Fund - Stock Held:
15.425 Shares/PEI Worth: $588.47
20.903 Shares/GRT Worth: $464.05
B&C Fund - Stock Held:
39.331 Shares/UDR Worth: $933.72

Total Stocks Held Value: $1,986.24
Value at August 31, 2007: $1,032.76
Stock purchase cost: $1,766.99
Excess Value of Stock Over Cost: $219.25

Other Funds Owned:
Non-deposited FMJ Funds(still in the jar): $10.28
FMJ Savings Account: $218.91
Note: a jar count on November 1, 2007 was done and $200.00 deposited in the savings account.

Dividend & Interest Income
This month: $22.82
Savings Interest 2007: 98 cents
Savings Interest 2006: $1.77
Dividends 2006: $34.30
Dividends 2007: $77.02
Non-reinvested Dividends: $17.10
Total Dividends Received: $177.37 (Since 2003 merger of CWN & PEI)

Total Asset Value of FMJ Fund: $1,281.71

Bottles and Cans Fund
This Month: $1,028.63
Cash used to purchase stock: $1,013.17
Cash Account Balance: $15.46
Sept. 30, 2007: $999.18
B&C Stocks/cash value: $949.18
Decrease in B&C Fund: $50.00

Total Value of Both Funds: $2,230.89
September 07: $2,327.61
August 07: $2,217.07
July 07: $2178.49
*Decrease from Prior Month: ($96.72)

* Decrease due unfavorable share prices for REITs.

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