Friday, November 09, 2007

FMJ - Day 590

November 9: Found 79 cents. During my morning jog, I found two pennies in a muddy tree bed near a sidewalk on Corpus Cristi Ave. Then, I stopped at the McDonald's on Yosemite Ave. for breakfast and found a quarter resting in the change shoot of the newspaper machine. In the evening, we did the Topanga Promenade Mall jaunt. Ajay and I found a quarter, 2 dimes and seven pennies.

Today's Stats
Money Finds: $.79
Bottles & Cans Collected: 14
Running Stats
This Month: $2.48
Last Month: $3.79
2007 Finds: $193.47
Since FMJ Blog Inception: $377.47 (March 28, 2006)
Total Found for FMJ Fund: $837.87 (since 1-1-2000)
Bottles and Cans Collected: 57 for the month.
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $1,037.73

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