Monday, May 14, 2007

FMJ - Day 412

May 14: Today... absolutely sucked! This morning, my wife was to leave on a 10:50 A.M. flight on United to New Orleans for a conference. We left home at 8:00A.M. for what should have been a trip of about 75 minutes in regular morning traffic to LAX -- NOPE! Took us 2 hours with my wife arriving at the ticket counter to check her bag at 10:00A.M. exactly. United's Crack(addicted?) Gate Agents can't tell time as they violated the 45 minute cut-off policy and bumped her from her flight. Needless to say, she would've been stuck at crummy LAX all-day until the next flight at 6:00P.M. Luckily, I was able to easily come back to airport to pick her up as I was feeding my face at McDonald's (found dime and penny) on Century Blvd. But, unfortunately, I had to come back to Simi Valley to retrieve the kids from school. So, we (she) decided that I would drop her off at Topanga Promenade Mall in Woodland Hills. We had lunch together in the food court (found another dime and penny.)

After getting the kids from school, I hurried back to the mall and we then left (again) for the airport... but, the kids were suddenly hungry and grumbling for FOOD... It was about 2:55P.M. and I knew that if we were to stop along the way, we'd be late again for the 6:00P.M. flight. My wife was insisting that we stop as she's a mother, you know. Children Can't Go Hungry! No, I told her... ten minutes more and we'll be really stuck in traffic on the 405. So, I pressed on with kids and wife, under duress and in complaint. Well, we did hit a lot of traffic about 20 minutes worth right up to the airport freeway exit. Yes, and as we made it with very little time to spare... I was relieved knowing I was right for not stopping. STILL IN THE DOG HOUSE, THOUGH. Dads are so unappreciated! Okay, so I stopped again at the same McDonald's on Century Blvd. They kids made me.... I wanted a shake at Carl's Jr.... they wanted the McNuggets. Kids win... (found another dime and penny at the McD's)

Maybe this one goes to 11? (Spinal Tap reference)

Today's Stats
Day's Finds: $.33
Bottles & Cans Collected:

Running Stats
This month: $4.91
2007 Finds: $53.19
Since FMJ Blog Inception: $237.19 (March 28, 2006)
Total Found for FMJ Fund: $697.59 (since 1-1-2000)
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 197 for the month.
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $787.89


Anonymous said...

What a day! Sorry it was such a stressful one. Interesting that you found the dime/penny combo at each stop. I love stuff like that! May today be a better day for you! :)

AndyfromSimi said...

Today was better... played 3 hours on tennis this morning. Thanks.