Tuesday, October 07, 2008

FMJ - Day 921

October 7: THE STOCK MARKET HAS TANKED BEYOND ANY COMPREHENSIBLE NOTION! TIME TO BUY STOCKS! I'm going to deploy whatever cash we have in the market in the next week! I'm thinking about a bank stock this buy.

We found 24 cents today. I found a penny this morning at Wells Fargo Bank ATM on L.A. Ave. Walking back to my car, I found a dime on Patricia Ave. When picking up Maya from School, Ajay and I will take a walk around the neighborhood while waiting for her. We found a dime and 2 pennies. My last find of a penny happened at Taco Bell on L.A. Ave.

Today's Stats
Money Finds: $.24
Bottles & Cans Collected: 16
Running Stats
This Month: $.69
Last Month: $3.36
2008 Finds: $80.69
Since FMJ Blog Inception: $464.50 (March 28, 2006)
Total Found for FMJ Fund: $924.64 (since 1-1-2000)
Bottles and Cans Collected: 68 for the month
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $1,262.15

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