Thursday, October 30, 2008

FMJ - Day 944

October 30: 24 cents found. The first find happened at the Burger King on Cochran Ave. -- a dime. Then, I took an afternoon bike ride and found 3 pennies. Picking up Ajay from school, I came across a dime laying near the sidewalk in a grassy patch along Big Springs Ave. My final find of a penny was made near an ATM at the Madera Road shopping center.

I collected 10 bottles and cans along my bike ride.

Today's Stats
Money Finds: $.24
Bottles & Cans Collected: 12
Running Stats
This Month: $5.90
Last Month: $3.36
2008 Finds: $85.90
Since FMJ Blog Inception: $469.71 (March 28, 2006)
Total Found for FMJ Fund: $929.85 (since 1-1-2000)
Bottles and Cans Collected: 274 for the month
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $1,283.80

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