I took the kids to Disneyland yesterday. Mickey Mouse! Yep. The House of Mouse was a whole bunch of fun.... Ajay loved the roller coaster in Tune Town! At Innoventions, he was asked by the hostess what his favorite part of the day had been... his response was getting a pirate sword. Easily pleased, a 5 year old be. Maya, whose almost 10 and loves It's a Small World, is now leading Daddy around... always a few yards ahead... soon, she'll be too big to have Daddy tag along. Total expense -- $360.00, or there abouts. Total finds -- 3 pennies. Once again, Disney proved that theme parks are bad places to find money. The 50th anniversary fireworks were the best fireworks show I've ever had a chance to view. The mouse, although expensive, is still worth a trip or two.
FMJ - Total Found: $556.02
Since Blog Inception: $95.42
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $485.24
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