Tuesday, August 28, 2007

FMJ - Day 514

August 25: Well, now the fun begins... on this day, we had to drive from my brother Terry's house in Gaithersburg, Maryland to my parent's place in Bethany Beach, Delaware then back-track to Baltimore to pick-up my wife at BWI airport for our final trip of the day to Philadelphia, PA. WHY all this driving? Dry Cleaning!

Not knowing how our adventurous week might go, I put my suits in for dry cleaning near my parent's home. Our trip to Gaithersburg the prior day was totally unplanned... just on a whim we went there. So, my drycleaning was not to be ready before Friday at 5:00p.m. So, I required my suits for the wedding and there you have it. DRIVE!

NO finds for this day... next time think I'll drop of my drycleaning near the airport.

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