Wednesday, December 06, 2006

FMJ - Day 255

December 6, 2006: This morning, while walking Biscuit, 2 pennies were found in the parking lot near our home. After that, a stop at ARCO on L.A. Ave. and I find a dime laying next to the gas pump. Very good day for bottle and can collecting... seems we have a lot of litter bugs in Simi Valley. Little do these people realize just how much money they're leaving when tossing their CRV bottles and cans to the ground. I won't help them in knowing... Tire basura... mis amigos!

Today's Stats
Finds: 12 cents
FMJ - Total Found: $634.50
Since Blog Inception: $173.89
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 28
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $615.28

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