Sunday, December 31, 2006

Last Day of 2006... FMJ- Day 280.

December 31, 2006: Our finds for today were of numerous incidence. Everywhere we went we found coins. This morning, while walking Biscuit, I found 2 pennies. A second walk and I found a nickel. Lunch at Subway on Tierra Rejada Rd. in Moorpark. Ajay found a penny on the way in. I found a nickel and a penny on the way out. The kids now love going to the driving range. We parked ourselves there for another 90 minutes this afternoon as Mommy went shopping at The Oaks Mall. We found a dime and 2 pennies at the Von's Grocery store on Tierra Rejada as we fetched some after golfing candy. Evening time was Blockbuster Time -- Rentals and bought some Playstation 2 games for the kids -- "SCOOBY DOO!, Gran Turismo 3, & MLS 2006 for them. Wanda Sykes's "Sick & Tired" and The DaVinci Code for us parents. Found 2 pennies in the Blockbuster on Moorpark Ave. in Thousand Oaks, CA.

Today's Stats
Finds: $.28
FMJ - Total Found: $644.38 (since 1-1-2000)
Since Blog Inception: $183.77
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 13/523 this month
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $639.68

End of Month Stats:
Total found this month: $9.84
Average Amount Found per Day: 32 cents
Stock Held:
15 shares/PEI Worth: $590.70
19.377/GRT Worth: $517.56
Stock purchase cost: $717.11 (includes reinvested dividends & interest)
Excess Value of Stock Over Cost: $391.15
Undeposited funds still in JAR: $19.26
FMJ Savings Account: $0 (Cleared out to make GRT purchase.)
Interest Received YTD 2006: $.94
Dividends YTD: $25.65
Total Dividends Received: $91.80

Total Net Worth of the FMJ Fund: $ 1,127.52

Saturday, December 30, 2006

FMJ - Day 279 $5 bill found.

December 30, 2006: Big Day! This morning, I attended a "moving sale." This poor chap lost his job in construction and was in a big hurry to down-size. He had a very nice set of golf clubs... Arnie Palmer driver, pro-tour woods and irons with new Ping grips, newish style golf bag in blue. "How much for the clubs?" I asked... "$75!" says the man. "I've got $40 on me," I say back. He looks around at all the others in attendance and realizes that the 40 or so Amigos from below our southern border scavenging his belongings probably can't offer more and, most likely, aren't the golfing type and grudgingly replies... "sold." Whipped out the cash from my wallet... I had more in my pocket but he didn't need to know that. Needless to say, the kids and I spent the better part of the afternoon at the driving range. FUN TIMES!

We did make finds... sure did. First find was two pennies at the Jack in the Box on L.A. Ave. Stopped in after tennis this morning. Next find made with the family at IN-N-OUT Burger... a quarter and a penny. Along Biscuit's afternoon walk, I found a nickel.

In the evening, we all went shopping at the Topanga Mall in Woodland Hills, CA. Ajay and I scooped up a folded $5.00 bill from near the Panda Express. We also found a dime and six pennies in other places the mall. As we were leaving the mall, I spotted a gift card for a major retailer dropped in our path. I picked it up wondering if it had any value. A few cents left on it... maybe. Too curious to leave it alone... I stopped by this place on our way home and asked a clerk to check it for me... $30.00 available! Hmmm. I didn't actually think it was worth anything. Well, "Gift Cards" have owners and they begin somewhere and need to end somewhere. And my moto in life has always been that honesty is the best policy. Wouldn't be fun knowing that someone out there was short a Christmas gift. As much as I would love to add it to the FMJ fund... I will turn it in on Tuesday when I return to the mall.

On the bottle and can collecting front, today was also very fruitful. A neighbor left a large bag full of cans - 59 to be exact. Then, I found a case of 12 spent Corona's plus a few soda cans near the yard sale guy's house. 4 bottles at tennis. 4 during shopping and... a few more along the way. 90 in total.

Today's Stats
Finds: $5.49
FMJ - Total Found: $644.10
Since Blog Inception: $183.49
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 90/510 this month
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $639.68

Friday, December 29, 2006

FMJ - Day 278

December 29, 2006: This mornings trip to Wood Ranch Shopping Center yielded a quarter from underneath a newspaper box and a penny from the floor of Subway. In the afternoon, I went to The Hat. Known for its world famous pastrami dip, I fully engrossed myself in gastronomic delight. There, I found a penny. Late in the night, I found a penny at the ARCO on L.A. Ave.

Today's Stats
Finds: $.28
FMJ - Total Found: $638.61
Since Blog Inception: $178.00
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 32/420 this month
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $639.68

Last Recycling Turn-in for 2006!

December 29, 2006: Well, the year of 2006 is almost over. What a year it's been. Between settling our new California residence, completing our move, buying new cars - 3 cars since December of 2005 - and now a move to our new rental house in January, 2007. Busy... very busy. I'm really ready to simmer down and devote time to enjoying the peace. All signs point to a slowing of the housing market now. For sale inventories are way above any historical norms... the sales pace is slowing eventhough there's been lower interest rates and a slip in prices. Looks like we've got some more downturn in the national housing market with all these exotic low-payment ARM loans recasting to higher rates in the spring of 2007. For all these reasons, my wife, a 20 year veteran of the housing finance industry and I think we'll rent for another year. Why buy a house that will fall in price over the next year, or two. I'm quite content in our decision and we've been homeowners for the last 18 years. I still own some properties back east and residential lots here in California. So, I won't feel like I'm missing any boat should the market bounce back in the interim. Houses I've been watching here in Cali are now about 10 to 12% off their highest asking prices. I feel they need to fall another 10 to 15% to make a buying decision more comfortable. Maybe 2008.

Earlier today, I went to the Wood Ranch Recycling Center to make our last 2006 return of our CRV bottles and cans. We received $5.80 for our last trip. Also, found some coins. Report them tonight.

Afterwards, I went to the Subway sandwich shop and used a meal ticket that I won at the kids' school Harvest Festival auction. Paid $5.00 per ticket... It would have cost me about $6.79 for the steak and cheese I devoured in about 5 minutes. I won 4 meal tickets for Tommy's Hamburger's and 4 for Subway. Paid $40.00 in total... the meals I'll eat with them would cost me about $55.00. I guess I did alright in the auction. Also, won a one month Gold's Gym membership for $20.00... might need it to work of the Subs and Burgers.

Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $639.68

Thursday, December 28, 2006

FMJ - Day 277

December 28, 2006: While investigating a possible real estate investment, I found a dime and six pennies scattered in a parking space behind a "condo" apartment building on Patricia Ave. For some time, I've been watching sales of condos on this property and might buy one as a rental should the prices drop lower... The prices have dropped about $50,ooo.oo for these units since we moved to Simi Valley in October of 2005. Currently, they're asking about $309,000 for a 2 bedroom... still high, but one will becoming up at a foreclosure sale soon. I'll watch the sale.

In the evening, we ventured out to the Oaks Mall in Thousand Oaks, CA. Right away, I found a penny near our car prior to starting the drive. At the mall, I watch a teenager chuck three pennies he received at the pretzel stand. He laughed and scoffed at receiving the pennies... "worthless," says he. Thanks, say I.

It's was an unusual day for collecting bottles and cans... seems they're all over the place. I picked up 43 bottles and cans along my errands and dog walks today.

Today's Stats
Finds: $.20
FMJ - Total Found: $638.33
Since Blog Inception: $177.72
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 43/388 this month
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $633.88

FMJ - Day 276

December 27, 2006: Six pennies and one game token found. At the Simi Valley Target, I found two pennies. Burger King on Cochran for Lunch... found a penny in the parking lot. Albertson's on Madera Rd. for groceries... found a penny and the token on their change counting machine. We went to see DreamGirls this evening at the Pacific 21 Stadium theater on Winnetka Ave. in the San Fernando Valley. (Movie Review - The film was a hokey musical with long drawn out scenes... I give Eddie Murphy the MVP award for propping the film up.) After the movie, we made a stop at Walgreen's on Lassen Ave. -- found two pennies near the film counter.

Today's Stats
Finds: $.06
FMJ - Total Found: $638.13
Since Blog Inception: $177.52
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 18/345 this month
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $633.88

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

FMJ - Day 275

December 26, 2006: A single quarter. It was scooped while standing in the concession line at the Regal Theater on Tapo Canyon Rd. The kids are with Grandma for the week. My wife, I and her Aunt and Uncle played a round of golf this afternoon. The mice are away and the cats are going to play.

Today's Stats
Finds: $.25
FMJ - Total Found: $638.07
Since Blog Inception: $177.46
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 12/327 this month
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $633.88

Christmas 2006!

December 25, 2006: We found 18 cents in the form of a dime and eight pennies. The dime was found along Biscuit's morning walk. Apparently, puppies were a big Christmas item this year... puppies everywhere. Next find, 3 pennies in near the soda machines at the Simi Valley Wal-mart. We celebrated Christmas in Cerritos were their entire extended family... A last minute gift purchase at Walgreen's in Cerritos -- penny was found. During our 1:00 A.M. drive home, I needed to make a "wake-up leg stretch" at the Porter Ranch Towncenter... just to get some fresh air and wake up for the last 16 miles of our trip -- don't won't to fall asleep. While walking off a little "road drift," I found 4 pennies scattered about the sidewalk near the Wal-mart.

Today's Stats
Finds: $.18
FMJ - Total Found: $637.82
Since Blog Inception: $177.21
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 19/315 this month
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $633.88

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve!

December 24, 2006: Thought I'd post early as the we going to my sister-in-law's brother's house in San Marino, CA for a Christmas Eve get together... Egg nog and marsala baster turkey! Don't ask... let's just say that we have a gourmet cook in the family. It'll be delicious. This morning, I made a run to the recycling center for a pre-Christmas turn-in. We received $8.20 for the B&C fund. While collecting the cash at the Ralph's Market a donation of 54 cents was left in the cashier's automatic change shoot. The prior customer decided to spread some Christmas cheer, I suppose. Thanks.

Toy's R Us in Porter Ranch... found a penny at check-out. After visiting with the Anvekars , we made a late-night stop at the Shell gas station on Fair Oaks Ave. in Pasadena and I found four pennies while waiting for the drunk lady ahead of me stumble through ordering "cigs" and "caffeine-free soda." Concerned about caffeine intake... what a hoot!

Merry Christmas and Good Tidings to All!

Today's Stats
Finds: $.59
FMJ - Total Found: $637.64
Since Blog Inception: $177.03
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 10/296 this month
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $633.88

Saturday, December 23, 2006

FMJ - Day 272

December 23, 2006: Another day... another penny. Found a single penny at 99 Cents Only on Tapo St. That's it.

Today's Stats
Finds: $.01
FMJ - Total Found: $637.05
Since Blog Inception: $176.44
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 3/286 this month
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $625.68

FMJ - Day 271

December 22, 2006: A single penny was found in the parkint lot of Wood Ranch Restaurant in Moorpark, CA. Wood Ranch is a BBQ place... You gotta try their Tri-Tip! One of my wife's employees gave her a $50.00 gift certificate for Wood Ranch so we decided to use it last night. About 20 minutes into our delicious dinner, a young couple maybe mid twenties sits down in the booth behind us. They have a baby... about two months old. So, young and just getting started in their life together. I can remember those days of... NO MONEY! SO, when our bill came their was about $11.00 left on the card. I decided to spread the Christmas cheer... laid the card down on their table and told them to use up the balance towards their meal. They were very appreciative. My wife and I gave smiles, wish them luck in parenthood and told that we how much we thought their little baby was a cutey. During the time after they sat down... I pretty much reflected in my mind all the financial struggles my wife and I had been through early in our marriage... grad school for her and starting my business. Man, I don't know how I would do it all over again... so, glad I don't have to. It's nice to be at a time in one's life where need of money isn't an issue... of course, there's still a desire to have more money but I don't feel as if I'll ever have a situation where there's no money available. After selling my business, I safely parked the lump sum in real estate income investments and bank certificates. No worries... I'm conservative and safe.

In the afternoon, I took the kids to visit at their Aunt Anju's house in Cerritos. A good place for them to be while my wife and I Christmas shop Saturday. MERRY CHRISTMAS! "Uncle Kunal," my wife's cousin gave the kids a couple bags of cans for the B&C Fund.

Today's Stats
Finds: $.01
FMJ - Total Found: $637.04
Since Blog Inception: $176.43
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 6/283 this month
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $625.68

Thursday, December 21, 2006

FMJ - Day 270

December 21, 2006: 2 pennies found. At the ARCO gas station on L.A. Ave., the first penny was scooped. An early dinner at Del Taco brought us the second penny.

Today's Stats
Finds: $.02
FMJ - Total Found: $637.03
Since Blog Inception: $176.42
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 15/277 this month
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $625.68

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

FMJ - Day 269

December 20, 2006: We found four pennies. At 99 Cents Only, I found two pennies while at the check-out. Then, a penny was scooped before entering the Edwards Theater on L.A. Ave. The kids are officially on winter break as of today... We saw Rocky Balboa... Best Movie in the theaters. Our fourth penny was found on Biscuit's afternoon walk.

Today's Stats
Finds: $.04
FMJ - Total Found: $637.01
Since Blog Inception: $176.40
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 19/262 this month
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $625.68

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

FMJ - Day 268

December 19, 2006: Christmas shopping at Topanga Mall. Man, was it busy. The line at The Gap was 30 deep. Last minute people. We found 75 cents in the form of 5 dimes, a nickel and 20 pennies as we were finding those right gifts... My wife has 7 direct report underlings (managers) at her office and a total of 55 peons who work under them. She's spendings $100 for each manager or director who reports to her and $10 on each of their people. That's $1,250.00 out the door and her company won't let her expense any of it... she's a caring boss, I'll tell you that. What the best Christmas gift you've ever been given by a boss? What would you expect this year? Just wondering.

Today's Stats
Finds: $.75
FMJ - Total Found: $636.97
Since Blog Inception: $176.36
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 35
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $625.68

Monday, December 18, 2006

FMJ - Day 267

December 18, 2006: A single penny was found near a cash register at the Simi Valley Best Buy while purchasing some gifts for Maya's friends back in Virginia. Also, I decided to do the today. Got a total of 12 points. NEAT! Thanks to Jim at One Coin At A Time for introducing me to this very cool coke rewards site.

Today's Stats
Finds: $..01
FMJ - Total Found: $636.22
Since Blog Inception: $175.61
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 13
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $625.68

Recycling Update.

December 18, 2006: The kids and I got up early to get them to school... on the way, we made a stop to drop the bottle and can cache for recycling... turned in $5.20 worth of slips.

Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $625.68

Sunday, December 17, 2006

FMJ - Day 266

December 17, 2006: No finds. Thanks to Aunt Anju for the large donation of her bottles and cans she gave today. Also, picked up 15 bottles and cans in our travels.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

FMJ - Day 265

December 16, 2006: 2 dimes and 14 pennies found while shopping at the Oaks Mall in Thousand Oaks, CA. It was brisk in the mall today... seems everyone wants to get Xmas over with as soon as possible. Rush, Rush.

In the evening, Movies! Ajay and I saw Unaccompanied Minors... Maya and mommy saw The Pursuit of Happiness. Lots of pratfalls and laughs for Ajay and me. Maya cried during their movie... CHICKS!

Today's Stats
Finds: $.34
FMJ - Total Found: $636.21
Since Blog Inception: $175.60
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 7
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $620.48

Friday, December 15, 2006

New Investment for the FMJ Funds.

Today, I swept the savings account that holds cash from FOUND MONEY JAR... as there was $520.46 in the account that is what I invested. Through a brokerage account with that I maintain for these special situations, I purchased 19.377 shares of Glimcher Realty Trust (Symbol - GRT) at $26.85 per share.

So, here are the investments comprising the FMJ Fund.

PEI 15 shares
GRT 19.377 shares

Total value of these two holdings: $1,100.10
Total cost including dividend reinvestment: $717.11

Dividends expected for 2007: $71.40

By this time Dec. 2007, the FMJ Fund should cross the $1,300 mark. Keeping them crossed!

$1 Bill Found! (Special Report.)

December 15, 2006: (Updated) Insomnia ruled the morning as I awoke at 5:10 A.M. Biscuit was also awake. So, I decided that I wasn't going back to sleep and maybe a 2 mile dog walk was just the cure. We walked all over Wood Ranch. When I'm on these walks, I will take a few plastic shopping bags in pull-over's pocket for I'm ready for bottle and can picking. Found 8 along the walk.

Money finds:
For quite sometime, I've had my eye on a penny lying at the intersection of East Country Club Dr. & Madera Rd. Unfortunately, it's usually too busy to stop there to pursue retrieving the coin. But, not at 5:45 in the morning. Done and Pocketed!

At the Wood Ranch Shopping Center, I spotted something green resting near some bushes Biscuit was sniffing... low and behold, a single dollar bill.

This early morning dog-walking... quite fruitful!

Today's Stats
Finds: $1.01
FMJ - Total Found: $635.87
Since Blog Inception: $175.26
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 15
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $620.48

Thursday, December 14, 2006

FMJ - Day 263

December 14, 2006: A single penny found as Biscuit was taking his morning stroll. Our Mexican grounds crew here in Wood Ranch was out in force this morning... raking, blowing, gathering the leaves... and while not actually picking them up, blowing them atop my cars. THANX! They drink beer and hardly work... don't know what they actually do. Can't someone stop this immigration insanity! I'm feeling like Don Quixote right now... gotta hit the hay.

Today's Stats
Finds: 1 cent
FMJ - Total Found: $634.86
Since Blog Inception: $174.25
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 14
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $620.48

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

FMJ - Day 262

December 13, 2006: 5 pennies found. 4 were found near the vacuums at the Mobil station on Cochran Ave. 1 penny was found at McDonald's on Tapo St.

Today's Stats
Finds: 5 cents
FMJ - Total Found: $634.85
Since Blog Inception: $174.24
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 11
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $620.48

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Recycling Update!

December 12, 2006: Late night drive to the Ralph's in Wood Ranch... turn in the recycling slips for the last few days. $5.20 added to the B&C Fund.

Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $620.48

FMJ - Day 261

December 12, 2006: Having lunch at Carl's Jr. on Cochran Ave. with two of my tennis buddies and ... a lady walks by dropping a penny. She looked at it... whinced and continued on. I reached down and said to my buds, "Looks like a donation." Cracked them up.

Found another penny while walking through a neighborhood across from the kids school. It's just gorgeous outside today... sunny and 74 degrees. Ajay and I cleaned up the neighborhood on our walk.. finding 2 bottles and 4 cans.

Today's Stats
Finds: 2 cents
FMJ - Total Found: $634.80
Since Blog Inception: $174.19
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 10
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $615.28

Monday, December 11, 2006

FMJ - Day 260

December 11, 2006: 2 pennies found today at the Alliance Gas station on the corner of Patricia & L.A. Ave. Today was rather boring as it rained last night causing the tennis courts to be too wet for play. Also, Ajay was not feeling well this morning and stayed home from school... I hate sickness... my poor little dude is very congested. I think he's better right now than as he was this morning. May be one of those 24 hour bugs... I'm hopeful.

I had Chinese food last night... I'm craving it again. Two nights in a row... I must have some winter blues, or something!

Back to the diet tomorrow!

Today's Stats
Finds: 2 cents
FMJ - Total Found: $634.78
Since Blog Inception: $174.17
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 8
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $615.28

Sunday, December 10, 2006

FMJ - Day 259

December 10, 2006: 2 pennies found while shopping at the Target in Moorpark.

Today's Stats
Finds: 2 cents
FMJ - Total Found: $634.76
Since Blog Inception: $174.15
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 3
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $615.28

Saturday, December 09, 2006

FMJ - Day 258

December 9, 2006: My wife's company had its Christmas Party on Friday evening... Let's just say it was like living scenes from the T.V. show -- The Office. The kids were at their Uncle Nicky's house in Santa Monica for the night and stay through this afternoon so Mommy and I could have a sweet peaceful lunch at Magianno's in Woodland Hills and go to see the new Bond movie. We love Daniel Craig as Bond. Can't wait for the next Bond episode.

Found a dime in the theater parking lot. Found a penny in Westwood at Falafel King. Found a penny at Ralph's in Wood Ranch.

Today's Stats
Finds: 12 cents
FMJ - Total Found: $634.74
Since Blog Inception: $174.13
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 12
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $615.28

FMJ - Day 257

December 8, 2006: 2 pennies found at In-N-Out Burger on Stearns. That's it!

Today's Stats
Finds: 2 cents
FMJ - Total Found: $634.62
Since Blog Inception: $174.01
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 4
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $615.28

Thursday, December 07, 2006

FMJ - Day 256

December 7, 2006: A dime was found this morning at the Rancho Simi Tennis Courts. It was dropped between courts 2 and 3.

Today's Stats
Finds: 10 cents
FMJ - Total Found: $634.60
Since Blog Inception: $173.99
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 14
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $615.28

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

FMJ - Day 255

December 6, 2006: This morning, while walking Biscuit, 2 pennies were found in the parking lot near our home. After that, a stop at ARCO on L.A. Ave. and I find a dime laying next to the gas pump. Very good day for bottle and can collecting... seems we have a lot of litter bugs in Simi Valley. Little do these people realize just how much money they're leaving when tossing their CRV bottles and cans to the ground. I won't help them in knowing... Tire basura... mis amigos!

Today's Stats
Finds: 12 cents
FMJ - Total Found: $634.50
Since Blog Inception: $173.89
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 28
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $615.28

Recycling Update.

December 6, 2006: Last night, I made a quick run to the Ralph's in Wood Ranch. Using the automated recycling center I was able to turn-in another dollar's worth of cans and bottles. Collected cash on all slips from the last few days... add $4.60 to the pot. Also, I picked up 7 more cans that were left around the recycling machine. FREE MONEY!

Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $615.28

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

FMJ - Day 254

December 5, 2006: Found 3 pennies. Walking past Jack In The Box on L.A. Ave., I found a single penny which had been left at the curb. In the morning, Biscuit's walk produced 2 pennies.

Last night, we recycled our weekend collection, and then some... netted $3.60 for the fund. Didn't cash the slip as yet. So, I will add the amount to the fund when I make my next run to the grocery store.

Today's Stats
Finds: 3 cents
FMJ - Total Found: $634.38
Since Blog Inception: $173.77
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 12
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $610.68

Monday, December 04, 2006

FMJ - Day 253

December 4, 2006: Three pennies found while shopping in Moorpark. At Albertson's, I found a penny lying beneath the CoinStar machine. Then, I found two pennies that weren't beside each other in the parking lot in front of the Best Dollar store.

Last night, we did a little Christmas shopping at The Oaks Mall in Thousand Oaks. We found a nickel and four pennies.

Today's Stats
Finds: 12 cents
FMJ - Total Found: $634.35
Since Blog Inception: $173.74
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 16
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $610.68

Sunday, December 03, 2006

FMJ - Day 252

December 3, 2006: Fire, Fire Everywhere! Got up early this morning to the news that Moorpark, CA, a town about 4 miles from us, was quickly coming under threat from a blazing brush fire that started overnight. With wind gusts of 60 miles per hour, the fire quickly consumed its first 1000 acres of brush. I went to Moorpark College and drove up the hilly culdesacs in the neighborhoods adjacent to the school -- gt a view of rampaging fire from about 2000 yards at about 9:00AM. By 10:00AM, the fire was declared "out of control" and a "voluntary evacuation" of the neighborhood was issued by the Ventura Co. Fire Department. I hurried down the hill and quickly scadattled! (More Later.)

Afterwards, a little breakfast at Del Taco in Moorpark... a penny was found under my table. Then, a stop at the Ralph's in Wood Ranch and... I find a dime in the change shoot of the USA Today paper box and two pennies on the sidewalk.

Also, collected about a dozen cans walking along the hilly streets near Moorpark College.

Today's Stats
Finds: 13 cents
FMJ - Total Found: $634.23
Since Blog Inception: $173.62
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 15
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $610.68

Saturday, December 02, 2006

FMJ - Day 251

December 2, 2006: A dime, a nickel and sixteen pennies were found while on a shopping jaunt at Glendale Galleria.

Today's Stats
Finds: 31 Cents
FMJ - Total Found: $634.10
Since Blog Inception: $173.49
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 5
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $610.68

Friday, December 01, 2006

Thanks... Pepsi!

A few days ago, I lost money in a non-working Pepsi machine here in Simi Valley... a whole buck. I called our local Pepsi bottler to report the machine's bad behaviour. Yesterday, I received coupons from Pepsi for "FREE PRODUCT." I sent 2 coupons for any 2-litre Pepsi Product and 2 coupons for 20 oz. Aguafina . Needless to say, I promptly cashed them in! I drink quite a lot of sodas... so, the coupons were really free money for me. Upon payment for the 2 Pepsi, 2 Aquafina (and I also bought a Propel Fitness Water and 2 Diet 7-UPs), I only paid $1.06. I had a buy one - get one free coupon for the 7-UP... the cashier gave credit for the $.169 full price even though the 7-up was on sale for $1.00... he also "doubled" a coupon. So, 4 large bottles of soda and 3 waters for $1.06 including tax and CRV deposit. I'll get 48 cents back when I return the bottles. WHAT A DEAL!

Of course, there is still the matter of the lost $1.00 in the machine... so, I paid actually $2.06 in all.
If I had to pay for it without the coupons... $9.47 with my Ralph's Club card. My savings... $7.41!

FMJ - Day 250

December 1, 2006: Well, no finds yet. We did make a stop at the Wood Ranch recycling center and received $2.24 for a stash of bottles and cans from the trunk of the Mercedes. I cashed in yesterday's slip and today's for $4.16 to add to the B&C fund.

Today's Stats
Finds: Zilch
FMJ - Total Found: $633.79
Since Blog Inception: $173.18
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 6
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $610.68

Thursday, November 30, 2006

FMJ - Day 249

November 30, 2006: 11 cents found - a penny and a dime. The first find was the penny. It was found in front of the ATM at Premiere American Credit Union on Madera Ave. The dime was found along Biscuit's afternoon walk. It's just too windy outside. I went for a walk earlier and was almost blown down! When will these Santa Ana's winds subside? I'm getting cabin fever... one more day, I hope. The kids and I are staying in and watching DVD's for the rest of the day. So, I've posted early... maybe my lady will get us out tonight, or maybe not.

A stop to the recycling center at Wood Ranch Shopping Center to turn-in our collection from the last two days, we received $1.92. Didn't cash in the return receipt slip on this go-around... will do on my next visit to the Ralph's Grocery. I don't add our returns, or "turn-ins" if you will, to the totals until we cash the slip.

Today's Stats
Finds: 11 Cents
FMJ - Total Found: $633.79
Since Blog Inception: $173.18
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 29
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $606.52

End of Month Stats:
Total found this month: $9.28
Average Amount Found per Day: 31 cents
Stock Held: 15 shares/PEI Worth: $592.50 11/30/06
Excess Value of Stock Over Cost: $395.85
Undeposited funds still in JAR: $9.42
FMJ Savings Account: $520.46
Interest Received YTD 2006: $.94
Dividends YTD: $25.65
Total Dividends Received: $91.80

Value of FMJ Fund: $1,122.38

Total Bottles & Cans collected this month: 407
Increase in B&C Fund for November 2006: $37.08

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

FMJ - Day 248

November 29, 2006: Hee, Hee, Hee... Ajay found a penny at Carl's Jr. that one of the employees swept across the floor. That's our only find for the day. Too cold and windy! Bonechilling 59 degrees outside. We've adapted well to the californian climate. We now think any temperature below 60 is way too cold! Yippee!

Stopped by the recycling center to offload some bottles and cans... $1.88 received.

FMJ - Total Found: $633.68
Since Blog Inception: $173.07
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 16
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $606.52

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

FMJ - Day 247

November 28, 2006: 11 cents found. Lunch at McDonald's in Moorpark and we find a dime behind the L.A. Times box. After school, the kids wanted a snack at the Wendy's on L.A. Ave. in Simi Valley -- found a penny in the brush next to our parking space.

FMJ - Total Found: $633.67
Since Blog Inception: $173.06
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 7
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $604.64

Monday, November 27, 2006

FMJ - Day 246

November 27, 2006: Today's finds... 4 pennies. The first find occured in the parking lot at Jon's Market on Cochran Ave. -- 3 pennies. The second find was at the McDonald's in Moorpark... our 4th penny.

Recycling update: Received $4.76 for our "efforts" and Uncle Joe's bottles.

FMJ - Total Found: $633.56
Since Blog Inception: $172.95
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 12
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $604.64

Sunday, November 26, 2006

FMJ - Day 245

November 26, 2006: 2 cents found but one was the canadian type. So, I'll just count the lonely U.S. Penny. Found the canadian one first at the Jack In The Box on Cochran Ave. I guess Canadians toss pennies, too. The U.S. penny was found walking Biscuit in the afternoon. Today was full of fun... we met Uncle Nicky and Mayma at the California Science Center in Exposition Park. We saw an IMAX film called Hurricane in the Bayou... It was a real eye opener on the Katrina fiasco --- Highly recommended by me, if your interested. The kids loved the exhibits on communication and sound. Making music was their favorite. I enjoyed the prisms and magnets.
Bending light is cool!

In the evening, we went out to dinner at India House in Cerritos. Butter Chicken... so, delicious. Uncle Joe gave us his largest donation of bottles and cans, so far.... several large bags.

FMJ - Total Found: $633.52
Since Blog Inception: $172.91
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 15
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $599.88

Saturday, November 25, 2006

FMJ - Day 244

November 25, 2006: Total found $5.82 for the day. This was a very busy day... First, I played doubles down at Rancho Simi Tennis Courts then my wife went to work to prepare for a very big presentation on Tuesday to the "second-in-line" at her company. Maya made our first find of the day at the Ross Store's parking lot -- a penny. In the afternooon, we went to the Westfield Topanga Mall to look for the perfect outfit for the presentation. Ajay and I found a $5 bill and a dime at the "over-priced yogurt stand" in our first mall find... we, also, found another 36 cents roaming the mall -- 3 dimes and 6 pennies. In the evening, we scooted over to The Oaks Mall in Thousand Oaks, CA. We found a quarter and 2 nickels there.

FMJ - Total Found: $633.51
Since Blog Inception: $172.90
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 4
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $599.88

Friday, November 24, 2006

FMJ - Day 243

November 24, 2006: 6 Cents found in 2 finds. Our first find occurred at the Wood Ranch Shopping Center as we arrived at the Subway. A nickel nicely placed in the open space next to ours. The second find -- a penny -- happened at the Target in Moorpark, CA. It was lying in the next cashier's lane... pays to check the lanes.

FMJ - Total Found: $627.69
Since Blog Inception: $167.08
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 3
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $599.88

Thursday, November 23, 2006

FMJ - Day 242 A.K.A. "Turkey Day"

November 23, 2006: While walking Biscuit this morning we found a single dime. Chalk up another 10 cents to the Found Money Jar fund.

We garnered a donation from Aunt Anju of soda cans and water bottles. The family also decided to put an offer on a house for my mother-in-law... Everyone in the family was in agreement that it was the most perfect house for her. Even the address is good karma as it's... 13029 Carolyn St. All their previous houses had "13" in the address. And, the 13th is my wife's only brother's birthday -- april 13. Also, it's Maya's birthday day -- September 13. The 29th of May is mine. And the street name of "Carolyn" resembles their old house's street name... "Coquelyn." The house itself is just our style with vaulted ceilings, an open and flowing floor plan, large sliding glass doors off the family room and master bedroom to the back yard and a walled yard with water features -- Koi pond and waterfall. Also, there's a patio with half walls in the front of the house. Stucco and brick. I'm really hopeful that they'll accept our full price offer... can't let a perfect house get away.

FMJ - Total Found: $627.63
Since Blog Inception: $167.01
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 2
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $599.88

Happy Thanksgiving!

To our troops serving stateside and overseas and especially for those in combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan...

My thoughts and prayers go to all of you who are serving in our military. Be safe, and may you all return soon home to your families. What ever support you need from my family, we will give without exception. Keep up your spirits and do your best in this tough fight for our freedom, way of life and democracy! You have our full and undivided support!

God bless you and keep you. Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Recycling Turn-in Day

November 22, 2006: As tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I thought that we should clear out all the bottles and can that we've collected and had donated to us by family and friends. Total received $10.08 -- NICE!

Also, we found two pennies this morning... first found at Del Taco on L.A. Ave. and the second was found at the Target store on Cochran Ave. where I went to return a fold-up camp chair that broke on its inaugural sitting... cheap chinese made junk! Why don't we make anything in America anymore?... Shame on us!

FMJ - Total Found: $627.53
Since Blog Inception: $166.91
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 19
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $599.88

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

FMJ - Day 240

November 21, 2006: This morning at the Rancho Simi Tennis Courts I found a penny in the dirt near the parking lot... seems it has been there for a while as it was corroded and dirty. Funny thing about this find is that I've probably walked over the ground where the coin was found many times... never noticed it before... maybe it was turned up by someone walking just before me? Hmmm. On the court, I found a quarter beneath bench and a nickel resting on top. Also, a stop after tennis back at the house to meet my wife for lunch and I walk across a penny in the parking lot. This find was also peculiar as the coin was imbeded in a wide crack in the pavement. I've most likely cross it many times, too.

So far, total found on this day is 32 cents. Maybe more tonight... going shopping for furniture.

FMJ - Total Found: $627.51
Since Blog Inception: $166.89
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 5
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $589.80

FMJ - Day 239

November 20, 2006: During an after school stop at the McDonald's on Tapo St., we found 11 cents -- a dime and a penny.

FMJ - Total Found: $627.19
Since Blog Inception: $166.57
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 9
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $589.80

Monday, November 20, 2006

FMJ - Day 238

November 19, 2006: A single quarter was found in the parking lot of the Wal-mart in Simi Valley. Spotted it between cars as we were walking back to our car.

FMJ - Total Found: $627.08
Since Blog Inception: $166.46
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 6
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $589.80

Sunday, November 19, 2006

FMJ - Day 237

November 18, 2006: Total found for this day -- 14 cents. This afternoon, I played in the La Habra Open. My first round match was against one of the top players in Boy's 18 and under in southern california. Needless, to say it was a blow-out... the score -- he won 6-2, 6-1. I could barely hang on... every shot from this kid was a rocket and his serve was so fast you'd think he launched from Cape Canaveral. I'm still about 2 steps short but I do feel I'm getting better.

Coins finds: Find #1 --- a penny at King Taco on Olympic Blvd. in Commerce City. Find #2 -- a penny at the Fullerton Tennis Center where I got my butt kicked... Find #3 -- a dime and 2 pennies at the Burger King on South St. in Cerritos, CA.

Aunt Anju donated 2 shopping bags on bottles today. We picked up a few more at the courts.

FMJ - Total Found: $626.83
Since Blog Inception: $166.21
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 3
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $589.80

Friday, November 17, 2006

FMJ - Day 236

November 17, 2006: Twelve cents -- a nickel and 7 pennies. Late last night I made a stop at 7-11 on Cochran Ave. at Tapo Canyon Rd. There, I found a nickel and 2 pennies. Dinner tonight, I took the kids to Jack In The Box on L.A. Ave. We found a penny. At the Alliance Gas station down the street, we found 4 pennies.

FMJ - Total Found: $626.69
Since Blog Inception: $166.07
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 6
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $589.80

Thursday, November 16, 2006

FMJ - Day 235

November 16, 2006: 3 pennies found in three finds on day 235. First find occurred outside the Jack In The Box on L.A. Ave. as I was walking to the BBQ Hut which is two shops down the street. The second was made in the front of the nondescript donut shop at the corner of Stearns and Cochran Avenues. The last find happened at the McDonald's on Tapo St. (afterschool snack with Ajay.) Where going to Santa Monica tonight... maybe more finds there.

FMJ - Total Found: $626.57
Since Blog Inception: $165.95
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 16
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $589.80

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

FMJ - Day 234

November 15, 2006: Total found, so far... 47 cents -- a quarter, a dime, a nickel and 7 pennies. This morning, the kids and I drove mommy down to Long Beach Airport for her 8:00 a.m. flight to Dulles Airport. At the McDonald's on Lakewood Blvd. in Long Beach, we found 37 cents... the quarter, dime and 2 pennies.

After dropping the kiddos at school at 9:40 a.m. and my tennis play at Rancho Simi Park, I made my way to the 99 Cents Only store on L.A. Ave. There I found a penny near cashier #3.

In the afternoon, the kids and I stopped for Lunch at New Panda on Cochran Ave. and found 2 pennies. A restroom stop at the Jack In the Box on Yosemite Ave. --- picked up a penny near the side door.

In the evening, we made a stop for gas at the ARCO on L.A. Ave. and found a nickel. At Topper's Pizza, we found a penny in the game room.

FMJ - Total Found: $626.54
Since Blog Inception: $165.92
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 34
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $589.80

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

FMJ - Day 233

November 14, 2006: Total found on day 233 -- 28 cents (2 dime and 8 pennies.) Wendy's on L.A. Ave. provided our first find of the day -- a penny. A stop for gas at the ARCO down the street and another penny was to be had. We left Biscuit at the Happy Dog Ranch the last few days... on the way to pick him up this afternoon, we made a restroom stop at the Jack In The Box on Yosemite Ave. and found the dime.

In the evening, we went to Simi Valley Towncenter Mall for California Pizza Kitchen and some pre-trip shopping. My wife is going back to D.C. for business, again. Seems we never really left D.C., between family, friends and her work... we're there every other month, or so. Anyway, the kids found 6 pennies and I found a dime in the parking lot.

FMJ - Total Found: $626.07
Since Blog Inception: $165.45
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected: 13
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $589.80

FMJ - Day 232

November 13, 2006: No money finds... we did, however, come across a couple bags of bottles at the car vacuums at the Self Serve car wash behind the Jack In The Box on L.A. Ave. -- 32 bottles total from there and 7 more were collected at the Rancho Simi tennis courts.

In the morning, I went to the recycling center in Wood Ranch to turn in our horde... $5.40 worth to add to the B&C Fund.

Total Bottles & Cans Collected: 39
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $589.80

Monday, November 13, 2006

Welcome Piggy Bank!

Just want to give a shout out to our newest club member..... Piggy Bank! You can find his blog site at:

Good Luck.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

FMJ - Days 229, 230 & 231

November 10 - 12, 2006: A single quarter was found late Thursday night while entering the Mann's movie theater at Janns Marketplace in Thousand Oaks, CA. It was spotted by my wife... she's a good contributor to the cause. She once found a quarter hiding under a fallen autumn leaf in darkened bike path tunnel. That find was almost divine.

We had a great time at the Ojai Valley Inn and Spa... We did a couple's swedish massage. My wife had a facial and a honey scrub body wrap. Neat stuff... I was afraid she might start attracting bees after the honey body scrub. Saturday afternoon played at the Inn's center court... A few of the club members sat and watch our play... My wife and I have played so long together that we make tennis look easy. She's a former college player and I played professionally for 6 seasons. Needless to say, we put on a good show! Sunday evening, we drove down to Cerritos to retrieve our kiddies... They had an awesome time with their Mayma, Aunties and Uncle Joe. They spent saturday at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach and sunday morning went to a street fair.

A good time was had by all.

FMJ - Total Found: $625.79
Since Blog Inception: $165.17
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected over weekend: 8
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $584.40

Thursday, November 09, 2006

FMJ - Day 228

November 9, 2006: My wife and I are going to the OJAI Spa and Resort for the weekend on the company dime -- a little reward for her saving the company from a $24,000,000.00 disaster last March. Well, anyway, we'll be away for a few days.

On FMJ day 228, we found a dime. The find was made in Tommy Hamburger's on Madera Rd. I stopped in for a quick bite after dropping Biscuit at the Happy Dog Ranch.

FMJ - Total Found: $625.54
Since Blog Inception: $164.92
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected Today: 14
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $584.40

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

FMJ - Day 227

November 8, 2006: 3 cents found. First penny was found at the Simi Valley Post Office. The second penny was found near the door at El Pollo Loco on First St. Our third find of a penny was made while stopping for a prescription at Sav-on at the Albertson's grocery store on Madera Rd.

FMJ - Total Found: $625.44
Since Blog Inception: $164.82
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected Today: 40
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $584.40

FMJ - Day 226

November 7, 2006: Bummer, No Finds. Election day was quite a turn-around. I'm not a fan of the Dumbocrats... I voted the LIBERTARIAN PARTY SLATE! Of course, we never win. We do, however, send the message that we're not for big government or taxes... hey, someone's got to stick up for the individualist.

Bottles and Cans collected today: 4

Monday, November 06, 2006

FMJ - Day 225

November 6, 2006: 4 pennies found, all at Jack In The Box on L.A. Ave. in Simi Valley.

FMJ - Total Found: $625.41
Since Blog Inception: $164.79
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected Today: 34
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $584.40

Sunday, November 05, 2006

FMJ - Day 224

November 5, 2006: Total found -- 61 cents. This morning, our USTA Moorpark #2 Doubles Team played another Moorpark #3 Team. One of our opponents played lefthanded and had a "big" serve. Thankfully, I got lots of practice with the lefty serve yesterday in my singles match. I had less problem with returning a lefty serve today... We won our match in three sets... 6-3, 2-6, 6-4. Good win for us. I played with one of my buddies from Rancho Simi park. We've played many pick-up matches together... never an official team match. I think our playing styles serve each other well... maybe the team captain will let us play the next match together.

In the afternoon, we went to the Camarillo Outlets. I wanted to buy a new tennis shorts and shirts --- found some nice prices at the Nike outlet. We found 51 cents shopping the outlets -- a quarter, 2 dimes and 6 pennies.

An evening run to the Ralph's grocery store in Wood Ranch for the recycle center and to stock up on vittles... found another dime in the change counting machine's reject slot. Not a reject to me. $5.68 from the bottles and cans.

FMJ - Total Found: $625.37
Since Blog Inception: $164.75
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected Today: 12
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $584.40

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Flint Canyon tournament -- Day 223

November 4, 2006: Day 223 was a tournament day for me. I played in the Flint Canyon Men's Open which was held in La Canada, CA. I got a "bye" in the first round and had to play Goleh Karapetian in the second round. I didn't know he was ranked #4 in all of Southern California in year 2000 and that he's competed in challenger and Futures ATP tournaments attaining a top 400 world ranking... Personally, I didn't play bad but I certainly couldn't handle his attacking game and pinpoint shots. I was only able to win a single game at 5-luv in the second set. In the last game, his service, I was up two break points... he quickly turned that around and won the match -- 6-0, 6-1. My analysis: I need to find a few open players to practice return of serve... the older guys I play in the park just don't serve with such authority. I believe I can return the open player's serves... I did get some good returns in this match but not a high enough percentage to put real pressure on Goleh... next time I'll be in better form and a few steps faster. I'm now down 27 lbs. since Aug. 30th and I'm seeing the results of this weight loss in my on-court footwork.

Now for money finds...

11 cents. Ajay found a penny in Santa Monica at Barney's Beanery where we had lunch with Uncle Nicky, Auntie Reshma and Grandma... It was Grandma's 75th birthday this week. In the evening after dropping Grandma in Cerritos, we stopped at the Citadel Outlets to return an Anne Taylor suit jacket... Ajay and I found a dime during another installment of our "spy game."

Uncle Joe gave us two shopping bags full of water bottles and cans.

FMJ - Total Found: $624.76
Since Blog Inception: $164.14
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected Today: 18
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $578.72

Friday, November 03, 2006

FMJ - Day 222

November 3, 2006: We found 6 cents -- all pennies. The first find happened at Del Taco on L.A. Ave. in the morning. There I found a penny near the condiments. After that, a stop at the 99 Cents Only store across the street and... a penny in and a penny on the way out. The next find was made at the vacuums at the Alliance Gas station on L.A. Ave. -- after picking up the kids from school we stopped there to wash the Jag and found 2 pennies. Topper's Pizza for dinner and our final penny find was made searching for a table. So, there you have it.

We recycled a week's worth or more of bottles and cans making $9.28 for the B&C Fund.

Administrator's note: The actual bottle we use for the "Found Money Jar" is at capacity just about and we will soon need to roll up all the coins. I recently made a bank deposit to account for it's contents upto a few days ago. I'll take a picture before we empty it. It usually sits right here next to the computer on my desk. Any suggestions for its glamour shot?

Hey, if you want to hear some good music check out the duet that Micheal Buble sings with this italian singer -- Laura Paulisini. WOW! They sing the old Lou Rawls song "You'll Never Find..."

FMJ - Total Found: $624.65
Since Blog Inception: $164.03
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected Today: 16
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $578.72

Thursday, November 02, 2006

FMJ - Day 221

November 2, 2006 -- 2 pennies found while making a stop for gas at the ARCO on L.A. Ave. We have to go to LAX this evening to pick-up my wife. She left yesterday for Washington to attend her best friend's mother's funeral. Mrs. Theresa Dryden was a great lady. She raised 6 great kids who all have done well in adulthood -- Accoutants, Doctors, and a human rights activist. She was tough and sweet... I'll miss our conversations. Very wise and cultured she was...

(More to come later.)

Here's the later: At LAX, we found 3 pennies near American Airlines arrivals.

FMJ - Total Found: $624.59
Since Blog Inception: $163.97
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected Today: 8
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $569.44

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

FMJ - Day 220

Nov. 1, 2006 -- 3 pennies found while having the BMW washed at the Shell station on Lincoln Ave. in Santa Monica. The Beemer was really dirty. I had left it on the street near my brother-in-law's house since I bought the Jaguar. Santa Monica has street cleaning once a week and you have to move your car or suffer a huge ticket of about $50.00. Birdies and pine trees... not a good combination for a clean car. I re-parked it in a better spot. Next week, I'm taking the car to have the front seats reupholstered. My babies...

I'm posting a little early... I guess we're staying home and watching the tube... anyone for Adam Sandler in Spanglish?

FMJ - Total Found: $624.54
Since Blog Inception: $163.92
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected Today: 15
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $569.44

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

The kids trick-or-treated for about 2 hours this evening... Maya filled half a pillow case! Ajay has enough candy to last until next halloween. Oakridge Estates in Simi was a blast this halloween... two haunted houses. One guy did his house in "Scream" theme and chased the kids with a chain saw as they were leaving the front door. I laughed my ass off! My friend, Glen, handed out 29 bags worth of candy. We only had a few "treaters" at out house... too many transcient single people in corporate short term housing... we've got to settle down now and buy a house.

On day 219, we found fourteen cents -- a dime and four pennies. A run to Wal-mart in the morning produced 2 pennies. Lunch stop at Tommy's Hamburgers on Madera Rd. and another 2 pennies. After trick-or-treating, we took the kids to Taco Bell and found the dime.

FMJ - Total Found: $624.51
Since Blog Inception: $163.89
Number of Bottles and Cans Collected Today: 14
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $569.44

Monday, October 30, 2006

FMJ - Day 218

On Day 218, we found ten cents -- a nickel and five pennies. This morning while leaving my car I found a penny on the ground in the space next to me. After tennis, I took the Jag for tyre balancing... made another penny find while walking up L.A. Ave. from Lenny Dykstra's place. Team Dykstra did an excellent job getting rid of the slight shimmy in the steering... Now, the Jag is really smooth... got it up 95 m.p.h. on the 118 this afternoon... she rode straight as an arrow! What a creampuff car I got!

After school, the kids and I drove to the Moorpark Mcdonald's for their playland -- found a nickel and a penny. After that, we shopped at Best Dollar for much needed "school junk" -- big crayons and markers (I swear I just bought this stuff.) We found a penny in the parking lot and in the store.

FMJ - Total Found: $624.37
Since Blog Inception: $163.75
Stock Held: 15 shares/PEI Worth: $646.50 10/31/06
Excess Value of Stock Over Cost: $449.85
FMJ Savings Account: $520.46
Interest Received 2006: $.94
Total Dividends Received: $91.80

Value of FMJ Fund: $1,166.96

Number of Bottles and Cans Collected Today: 8
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $569.44

Sunday, October 29, 2006

FMJ - Day 217

Fourty-three cents found on this day in the form of a quarter, a dime, a nickel and three pennies. A trip to Lenny Dykstra's Car Wash on First St. in Simi Valley to have the Ford Explorer given the "Grand Slam" wash... found 3 pennies while walking around for 20 minutes waiting for the car to be finished... Lenny's is quite the place for keeping your cars sparkling. Dinner at KFC in Cerritos, CA produce a quarter, dime and nickel. Mayma is back from her trip to Dubai, U.A.E. She was there visiting my wife's uncle who works for Boeing Aircraft -- Emirates Airlines bought the MD-11 and he is the main safety engineer for the planes. He wrote the manuals for their take-offs, landings and maintenance for Dubai International Airport. Uncle Sudeep is a cool cat! He can fly anywhere in the world for free... What a job.

FMJ - Total Found: $624.27
Since Blog Inception: $163.65
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $569.44

Saturday Night at the Movies --- $20 bill!

Yesterday was a big day for the found money jar as the fund increased by 3.5% in a single day. While standing in a very crowded line at the concession counter at the Century City AMC theaters in Westwood, yours truly found a very stepped-on and creased twenty dollar bill, probably been there for a while as it had multiple shoe prints on it. Pays to look down! Also, found 4 pennies and a nickel in the Century City food court. In the afternoon, my wife, Maya and the cousins rode in my Jag to the nail salon at Cerritos Plaza on South St. in Cerritos, CA. I spent some time roaming the plaza and found 2 pennies, a nickel and dime in a soda machine change shoot. Also, found a quarter in a under a newspaper box and a dime in the parking lot. Killing time by finding change. Yes, I made sure their toes were dry before letting them back into my prinstine, cherry, mint condition white1997 Jaguar XJ6... I'm lovin' the looks I get driving this car... Yesterday, my brother-in-law even gave me props!

FMJ - Total Found: $623.84
Since Blog Inception: $163.22
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $569.44

Friday, October 27, 2006

FMJ - Day 215

Found 88 cents on Day 215 -- 3 quarters, a dime and 3 pennies. The first find was made at Dan's Tennis Shop on Erringer Rd. -- a single penny. The next find occured at Carl's Jr. on Madera Rd. There, Ajay found 2 quarters in each coin return shoot of the two newspaper vending machine standing outside the front door. I found a penny below the machines. After lunch, we made our way across the parking to the Albertson's on the opposite side of the shopping center. Along the way, I found a quarter. I also found a penny along Biscuit's afternoon walk. Maya has drama club on Friday's at ther school until 4:30 p.m. While walking from the shopping center to her school, I found a dime along the sidewalk on Royal Ave.

FMJ - Total Found: $603.23
Since Blog Inception: $142.61
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $569.44

Thursday, October 26, 2006

FMJ - Day 214

Very windy here. Santa Ana Winds -- gusting at 45 MPH! No tennis, unfortunately. On this day 214, we find 14 cents -- a dime and four pennies. In the morning, a drive in the jag to Porter Ranch for shopping -- found a penny in front of Best Buy and a penny in the Wal-mart. In the evening, my wife had to work late. The kids and I had dinner at Del Taco on L.A. Ave. I found a dime laying at the foot of the payphone. After our meal, the young lady behind us left two pennies on the table prior to leaving the restaurant. I heard her lamenting the "uselessness" of the penny to her friend and how the penny had no "real" value as she parted with them. Her opinion, not mine. As you would guess, I scooped them for the FMJ.

FMJ - Total Found: $602.35
Since Blog Inception: $141.73
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $569.44

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

FMJ - Day 213

We found 38 cents in the form of a quarter, dime and three pennies. The dime was found at lunch in the McDonald's on Tapo St. Ajay found the quarter in the coin return shoot of an Daily News paper box along Wilshire Blvd. in Santa Monica. In the evening, we went to Simi Valley Towncenter Mall where we came across the 3 pennies.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

FMJ - Day 212

The Found Money Jar staff is now cruising in absolute luxury! I went out tonight to Kemp Ford and bought a 1997 Jaguar XJ6 -- White with a tan interior. Car is pristine... gallops like a Jaguar should move. Ajay found a penny at the dealership. I can't wait to show up at the courts in the Jag tomorrow morning. One of my tennis buddies said his wife saw the car last week and was interested in buying it. Earlybird gets the car...

At Wells Fargo Bank on L.A. Ave., I found a dime and penny in the parking lot while transferring cash for the car. Someone paid almost $70,000 for my car new... I paid less than 10K. It truly pays to buy used when it comes to cars. Total found on Day 212: 12 cents.

FMJ - Total Found: $601.83
Since Blog Inception: $141.21
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $569.44

Monday, October 23, 2006

FMJ - Day 211

On day 211, we made 2 finds for 3 cents. Over the weekend, a lot of neighbors must have been partying as they left for us nearly 120 beer cans and bottles. We dutifully turned them in. $10.32 received for our weekend bottles and cans.

Find #1 -- 2 pennies at the Subway in the Wood Ranch shopping center.
Find #2 -- a penny in the parking lot in front of Pick Up Stix on Madera Rd.

FMJ - Total Found: $601.71
Since Blog Inception: $141.09
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $569.44

Sunday, October 22, 2006

FMJ - Day 210

Found 26 cents and a restroom token on Day 210. The first find occured while cleaning out my tennis bag -- a penny on the sidewalk near the trash can at Rancho Simi courts. The next several finds happened while strolling the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade -- 2 dimes & 5 pennies.

The token was found on the sidewalk in the Broadway Blvd. parking garage.

FMJ - Total Found: $601.68
Since Blog Inception: $141.06
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $559.12

Saturday, October 21, 2006

FMJ - Day 209

Early this morning, I drove 65 miles north to play in the Santa Barbara City Championships. My first round opponent was Marc Daniel Arendt from Frankfurt, Germany. 17 years old and ranked number 44 in Boy's 18 and under junior tennis in the German National Tennis Rankings. He came to California for English School and to be scouted for a scholarship in tennis at one of our universities. How did I do? Very well. I lost 7-5 , 6-0... in the first set, I was up by 4 games.. then, he figured out that an overweight 38 year old can't really run very well.. and proceeded to make me run... which I did better than I have run in the last 14 years. I ran down and traded shots cross-court and down line with him for the better part of 2 hours... We were pounding the ball on every shot. A crowd gather to watch. Unfortunately, he doesn't miss much... and when he did it was by inches. But, I held tight every point and showed the kid that I once played like him, too! I've lost 24 pounds now... I'm at 269 lbs. Give me another 20 pounds and I'll be giving all these young punks a whipping. Although, I lost the match I feel like I pushed myself today to the next level... I truly showed that my old game is coming back. My two-handed backhand held fast wherever I wanted to place the ball... I serve and volleyed as I used to with authority and success. I'm really on the path back.

1. 4 pennies while doing a pre-match walk around the neighborhood near the Santa Barbara Municipal Tennis Courts.
2. Maya found a penny near our parking space at Glendale Galleria in the afternoon.
3. 8 pennies walking with Ajay through the mall.
4. I found a dime in The Body Shop and a penny in Haagen Daz.
5. 2 dimes, a nickel and a penny left on a railing in the mall while walking with Maya and Ajay.
6. A nickel left in the change return shoot of a Pepsi machine in the mall.
7. A penny on the floor of Brookstone.

Total found on Day 209: 56 cents.

FMJ - Total Found: $601.42
Since Blog Inception: $140.80
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $559.12

Friday, October 20, 2006

FMJ - Day 208

3 cents found. The first find in the morning at tennis practice... a penny in the parking lot at Rancho Simi Park. The second find was made at Carl's Jr. - 2 pennies.

FMJ - Total Found: $600.86
Since Blog Inception: $140.24
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $559.12

FMJ - Day 207

Day 207: Found 21 cents in the form of 2 dimes and a penny. Our first find was made at the Rancho Simi Tennis Courts -- a single penny in the parking lot. A stop for gas at the ARCO on Madera Rd. brought in a dime. Late night after tennis team practice dinner by myself at KFC on L.A. Ave. -- the second dime was found. Losing more weight... now, I'm down 23 pounds officially. Been keeping the carbs low, playing 2 or more hours of tennis each day and eating salads, soups and lots of chicken and fish. Weight loss is so easy once you put your mind to it.

FMJ - Total Found: $600.83
Since Blog Inception: $140.21
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $559.12

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

FMJ - Day 206

Eight pennies were found on day 206. The first find of 2 cents occurred in the morning while making a stop at the 99 Cents Only store for bottled water (near cash registers.) The second find was made crossing the parking lot at Topper's Pizza on Erringer Rd. -- 3 cents. I had a huge salad for lunch... still on the diet.

Find #3: A penny was found resting in the dirt next to a curb during Biscuit's afternoon walk (credit to Ajay on this one.) Find #4: A penny was found in the parking lot of Popeye's on Woodman Ave. in Arleta while traveling to THE RACKET DOCTOR in Glendale, CA. The Doctor was having a 50% clearance sale... bought Maya 2 tennis outfits... CUTIE PIE! Ajay got a U.S. Open Visor and T-shirt and Nike Tennis Shirt. Find #5: A penny resting in the seam of the parking lot pavers at mommy's work.

Another run to the recycler produced $2.68 for the B&C Fund.

FMJ - Total Found: $600.62
Since Blog Inception: $140.00
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $559.12

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

FMJ - Day 205

Two pennies found on day 205. One was found at Wal-mart in Porter Ranch and the other at the Arco gas station on L.A. Ave. in Simi Valley.

Cashed in our Bottles and Cans at the Wood Ranch Recycling center. $1.60 received.

FMJ - Total Found: $600.54
Since Blog Inception: $139.92
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $556.44

Monday, October 16, 2006

FMJ - Day 204

We found 3 pennies. The first 2 pennies were found at Carl's Jr. on Madera Rd. I had their new Chicken Bowl.... it was yummy. penny #3 was found along Biscuit's walk in the afternoon.

FMJ - Total Found: $600.52
Since Blog Inception: $139.90
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $554.84

Sunday, October 15, 2006

FMJ - Day 203 $600!

On this day, the Found Money Jar crosses the $600 mark!

More Shopping. I'm exhausted from shopping! At the Westfield Fashion Square mall, we found 2 pennies. Then, my wife wanted to hop back over to the Westfield Topanga Mall -- Ajay and I found 23 cents -- a dime, nickel and 8 pennies. In the morning, Ajay and his friend, Justin, rode their bikes in the neighborhood. Along their ride, Ajay found a quarter and a penny. Total for Day 203 - 51 cents.

FMJ - Total Found: $600.49
Since Blog Inception: $139.87
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $554.84

Saturday, October 14, 2006

FMJ - Day 202

We christened the new wing of the Westfield Promenade Mall on Topanga Blvd. by finding a one dollar bill, a dime, and a nickel as we shopped in the evening. At lunch, we found a dime and 2 pennies near the soda fountain in The Habit in Camarillo, CA. Another 4 pennies were found at a convenience store in Port Hueneme prior to our quick 5 minutes spent on the very windy and cool beach. It was a movie and mall day for us... went to see Open Season... Great kids movie! Found a penny in the theater. Total found on Day 202 -- $1.32 No Tennis today -- RAIN! YUK!

Also, Day 202 was for recycling -- our take: $3.48

FMJ - Total Found: $599.98
Since Blog Inception: $139.36
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $554.84

FMJ - Day 201

On Day 201, we found 2 pennies in the parking lot of the Albertson's grocery store on Madera Rd.

FMJ - Total Found: $598.66
Since Blog Inception: $138.04
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $551.36

Thursday, October 12, 2006

FMJ - Day 200

DAY 200! Yippee! I don't usually keep up with internet things this well. So, this blog must be worth it! First find is a find that my friend, Dan, would be proud of... a penny while exiting his favorite chinese food establishment, the Golden Tiger Restaurant on Madera Rd., after the lunch date I had with my wife. The next find is credited to Ajay as he swooped up a penny and nickel during our grocery stop at Ralph's in Wood Ranch. Biscuit gets to savour the next find of a dime and 2 pennies during his afternoon walk. That's a total of 19 cents for day 200.

Day 200 included a trip to the recycling center which yielded $6.20 for our B&C Fund.

FMJ - Total Found: $598.64
Since Blog Inception: $138.02
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $551.36

FMJ - Day 199

We found three pennies. First find occurred in the morning while having breakfast at Del Taco on L.A. Ave. Two pennies near the counter. The second happened after picking up the kids from school -- a penny in the parking lot in front of Subway on Stearns St. in Simi Valley.

FMJ - Total Found: $598.45
Since Blog Inception: $137.83
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $545.16

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

FMJ - Day 198

Found a single penny on Day 198 while pumping gas at ARCO on L.A. Ave.

Our trip to the recycling center netted $11.84 for the fund.

FMJ - Total Found: $598.42
Since Blog Inception: $137.80
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $545.16

FMJ - Day 197

No U.S. Coin finds made on this day. We did, however, come across 1 French Franc coin and a New Penny from Great Britain. Found them on a coin counting machine at the Ralph's in Wood Ranch.

Monday, October 09, 2006

FMJ - Day 196

Our tennis team had a match against the Moorpark #1 team... I was to bring Chips and Dip to the match and made a quick stop at Von's on Tierra Rejada Rd. in Moorpark. Upon entering the store, I noticed the coin counting machine's reject hopper was completely full of coins... Apparently, whoever was using the machine didn't check or notice that the machine will reject coins it finds unworthy and left the money. The FMJ staff gave it a good home. Total find: 161 pennies.

After the match, my wife and I had lunch at The Habit in Thousand Oaks. I had the Santa Barbara Cobb salad -- I have that again and again as I was delicious! Found a penny whilst paying the bill. We lost our doubles match in three sets (6-7, 6-1, 6-3). Our team captain keeps switching the teams up for each week's match... I wish he'd let us choose our partners... I can't get grooved in doubles like this. There's just no way to find any rythym. In fact, the guy I play best with he only teamed us up during a practice session. Weird. Man, if we played a match together -- we'd clean up! Total for the day: $1.62

Sunday, October 08, 2006

FMJ - Day 195

After the tennis match, we dropped the kids to Grandma's loving care and went to the Glendale Galleria for some R&R or shopping. Strolling the mall, I found 50 cents - a quarter, 2 dimes and 5 pennies. After that, we went to the AMC theater in Burbank to see the film School for Scoundrels... I laugh my ass off... my wife said, "Boring Movie!" Chicks need drama.... Next movie -- her choice. Anyway, found 33 cents ( 3 dimes & 3 pennies) upon leaving the movie on the sidewalk at Burbank Town Center.

FMJ - Total Found: $596.79
Since Blog Inception: $136.17
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $533.32

Long Beach Open. Sat. Oct. 7, 2006

Well, not a bad showing for my first tournament of my comeback. I played Joseph Deguzman, an 18 year old kid, who has previously ranked in the top 25 in junior tennis in southern california. According to his birthdate, he's been bumped up to the men's division. He was seeded ninth in the tournament. How did the old man of 38 do in the match? I turned in a respectable score, he won 7-5, 6-2 . At 5-4 in the first set, I had a chance to break his serve but he held. He had very heavy topspin strokes -- even on his serve which I would deem his best stroke. I haven't seen much topspin down at the park as the guys I play against are mostly older fellas who are seasoned good players with usually flat strokes or low topspin and slice. If I could have returned his serve better, I think I could have beaten the kid... my score reflects that I'm now able to hang with the big hitters. In the second set, he got a handle on returning my serve and broke serve twice early on... he was up 4-0 when I then held serve. At 4-1, he held his serve but I pushed him and brought the game to several dueces. Then, at 5-1 my serve... I said to myself... Let's show this kid a big man's serve and proceeded to serve out the game with... 4 STRAIGHT ACES! That service game made the match for me... haven't done that since I played the circuit when I was 20. Anyway... he held his next service game and won the match. I'll get him next time... when I'm 25 pounds lighter. BTW... Lost 18 pounds now.... since August 30th.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

$20 Bill found on Day 194!

Ajay for the fourth time has made a large bill find. During a lunch stop at the McDonald's playland in Moorpark, CA, Ajay cames across at crumpled $20 note in the playland tubes. There were no other kids there at the time... so, finders -- Keepers. We also found a penny near the counter. Total found on Day 194 -- $20.01. GOOD GOING AJAY!

FMJ - Total Found: $595.96
Since Blog Inception: $135.34
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $533.32

Friday, October 06, 2006

FMJ - Day 193

I played 3 hours of tennis in the morning. In the evening, I practiced with our men's doubles team for 2 1/2 hours. Unfortunately, I hadn't anytime or energy to do anything else. So, there were no finds for day 193. This weekend, I'm playing in the Long Beach Open. I drew the 9th seed in the first round on the men's open draw. This should be an interesting match... I'm playing extremely good tennis right now. Our Simi Valley Tennis Club has started a new thing called "challenge cup." You may follow the ongoings at:

FMJ - Day 192

Just a single penny found on day 192 during lunch at Carl's Jr. on Madera Rd.

FMJ - Total Found: $575.95
Since Blog Inception: $115.33
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $533.32

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

FMJ - Day 191

One penny found... I forgot where. Shame on me.

FMJ - Total Found: $575.94
Since Blog Inception: $115.32
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $533.32

Monday, October 02, 2006

Yom Kippur or Hookey Day.

My wife and I played hookey with our kids and spent Yom Kippur at Redondo Beach. While strolling the pier, a single dollar bill blew by me in the sea breeze. I ran after it and was able to apprehend it just steps from going overboard to be lost forever in the Pacific Ocean. How could I ever atone...?

FMJ - Total Found: $575.93
Since Blog Inception: $115.31
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $533.32

FMJ - Day 189

Ajay found a penny laying in the flowerbed in front of our house. We've most likely passed it everytime we've turned right along the sidewalk out front as it was very corroded and dirty. Ajay made our only find for Day 189.

FMJ - Total Found: $574.93
Since Blog Inception: $114.31
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $533.32

Sunday, October 01, 2006

FMJ - Day 188

$9.15 found on Day 188. In the evening, a five spot and 4 one's were found on the sidewalk in front of the China Express Take-out on Carmenita Rd. in Cerritos, CA. That's where I had an order of Orange Chicken, Almond Chicken, Kung Pao Chicken and noodles... Uncle Joe and I split the meal as all others last night demanded vegetarian south indian cuisine... Sorry, peoples... I need the meat.
An afternoon lunch at Falafel King in Westwood Village yielded 5 pennies along from the restaurant. I stopped in at Westwood Tennis Shop to see if they had my racquet, Prince Graphite Triple Threat Oversize, in their stock... I've looked all over for a fresh one for the last two months... Prince discontinued the production of it about three years ago. The guy at the shop said he doubted he could ever order one anymore and then stated he didn't think he had anymore in the shop... but, I was persistent and looked through every rack -- front to back. Yep, I found one in my grip size... I think it's the last new one on earth! No discount! Paid full price! Micro supply and demand? Luckily, I didn't have to pay the 8% sales tax... there's a back-to-school tax holiday in L.A. right now. Tennis racquets apparently fall under the requirement. I really needed another racquet as I'm breaking a new set of strings every week. Hey, I found a dime exiting the tennis shop.

FMJ - Total Found: $574.92
Since Blog Inception: $114.30
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $533.32

Friday, September 29, 2006

FMJ - Day 187

Eleven cents found on Day 187 -- a penny and a dime. The first find was the penny during lunch at Carl's jr. on Madera Rd. The dime was found in front of Straight Cut on L.A. Ave. where Ajay and I went for our much needed haircuts.

FMJ - Total Found: $565.77
Since Blog Inception: $105.15
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $533.32

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Day 186 -- Early posting due to tennis.

Found just one penny so far... at the McDonald's on Tapo St.

At the recycling center last night the B&C fund picked up $1.88 from our turn-in.

FMJ - Total Found: $565.66
Since Blog Inception: $105.04
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $533.32

FMJ - Day 185

No finds were to happen, sadly, on day 185.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

FMJ - Day 184

I found a dime and penny at the Chicken Bowl on L.A. Ave. There, I had an good lunch of Steak & steamed Veggies over steamed rice. Played a tough two hours against Danny C. at Rancho Simi Courts. When I first came to Simi Valley, he was easily beating me... now, the table is turned and we're switching off on the sets. Today, he bested me 7-5. This weight loss has improved my court coverage... I'm running down tough shots! My two-handed backhand is much improved these last two weeks. Watch out! Add another penny that was found in the evening by Ajay while stopping at Ralph's in Wood Ranch.

FMJ - Total Found: $565.65
Since Blog Inception: $105.03
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $531.44

FMJ - Day 183

No Finds for day 183. Really? Yes, Really. Bummer!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Looks like we're not moving! Day 182

The Found Money Jar staffers are staying in Simi Valley, CA for at least the next year, or so. We are staying put... my wife met the new SVP at her old company on a business trip last week and decided that she's not the type of personality (reptilian bitch) that she could work for and mesh with well. So, until there's another opportunity or a change in management, I gather we will be planting some roots here. I didn't want to move anyway... so, there! The universe is back in balance! I've played tennis for 2 hours or more for 21 days this month and lost 13 pounds... why would I ever want to move back to a cold winter climate? Forget about it!

Back to business: For day 182, we made just one find of a dime. We found it in the food court at Cerritos Mall.

Recycling returns: $6.80

FMJ - Total Found: $565.53
Since Blog Inception: $104.91
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $531.44

FMJ - Day 181

No finds for Day 181.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

FMJ - Day 180

On FMJ day 180, we found at quarter and a penny at the Carl's Jr. on Madera Rd. Add another 26 cents to the Found Money Jar. The quarter was a L.A. Times box find. The penny was left discarded by the soda fountain.

FMJ - Total Found: $565.43
Since Blog Inception: $104.81
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $524.64

FMJ - Day 179

Total found on day 179 was 8 cents. A nickel and three pennies. The first penny was found at the ARCO gas station on Madera Rd. The next find was another penny in the parking lot of Jack in the Box on L.A. Ave. In the evening, a nickel and penny were found at the Wood Ranch Ralph's.

FMJ - Total Found: $565.17
Since Blog Inception: $104.55
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $524.64

Thursday, September 21, 2006

FMJ - DAY 178

A dime and five pennies were found on Day 178. My wife took a Jetblue flight out of Long Beach Airport in the morning. She's flying on business with her most loyal minion, Kristina, for some presentations to Fannie Mae in Herndon, VA. As I was their driver to the airport, I made an after drop-off stop at the only Chick-Fil-A on the west coast that I've seen in Lakewood -- off the 605. I had a chicken club sandwich and found 2 pennies. After that, a stop for gas at the ARCO on Artesia Blvd. in Cerritos, CA and found another penny. In the afternoon, the kids and I had an after-school snack at the Taco Bell on Tapo St. -- Found the dime and final two pennies. My wife and her compadre landed safe and sound at Dulles Airport.
Total for Day 178 - 15 Cents.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

FMJ - Day 177

No money found on Day 177. Didn't look... too busy.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

FMJ - Day 176

Found 26 cents on Day 176 --- a quarter and a penny. The penny was found near the counter at the Famous Brands Shoes in the Camarillo Outlets. The quarter was dropped by a kid at the Auntie Anne's Pretzels in the same center. I saw the kid scramble for his lost change which fell everywhere from his stuffed change purse... even picked up some coins to help him gather it but we must have missed the quarter as it was found about after he left the store about a couple of minutes later. Didn't see him later... so, we will kindly offer up a new home for the coin in the Found Money Jar.

The B & C Recycling fund garnered $6.64 from our trip the recycling center.

FMJ - Total Found: $564.94
Since Blog Inception: $104.32
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $524.64

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Early post for Day 175!

As I'm traveling to Ventura, CA to play tennis at the very ritzy Pierpont Racquet Club and as such, I thought it wise to post my earlier finds now... I played two sets of singles this morning at Rancho Simi Courts. Very windy! Santa Ana Winds -- big fire caution today! I found a single dollar bill at Ralph's in Wood Ranch where I cashed in a coupon for a free Propel sports water. The bill was folded in half and had been dropped on the floor near the exit way. After tennis, a stop for a spicy chicken sandwich ( still only 99 cents!) at Carl's Jr. on Madera Rd. produced 2 dimes and a penny for the found money jar. We have a big match for the Ventura Men's Doubles USTA Team Tennis League today -- our team captain has switched the partners for this match as we are playing against one of the best teams in the league -- I hope I can make a big showing and give our coach a win! I played 11 straight days of two or more hours of tennis until yesterday... really starting to see my "A" come out right now. Lost 9 pounds from playing in less than two weeks. Total found so far today: $1.21

A further note: At Pierpont, my partner and I played their #1 team and lost 7-6, 6-1... we got the play on the center court and had a crowd... I was really playing well... held all but one service game... many aces and played with pinpoint returns... My two-handed backhand return of serve was a real weapon... Their players had a tough time handling my power game. Unfortunately, my partner broke his strings at the tie-break and had to play with his back-up racquet... he just couldn't keep his game up after that and they attacked him with low short balls and made him run... He couldn't find his strokes.. Sadly, we lost the second set and try as hard as a I could... I was not able to carry him. I play incredible tennis when I've got a crowd. "I coulda bin a contendar!"

Trip to Cabazon, CA - Outlet Shops! Day 174

On Day 174, we trek 290 miles round-trip to go outlet shopping at the Desert Hills Premium Outlets in Cabazon, CA. There we also found the Morongo Casino... an indian gambling house and den of iniquity -- I played while the ladies shopped... won $37.80! My wife spent $300! On the way to Cerritos to pick-up our Mayma, we stopped for breakfast at McDonald's on Kanan Rd. off "the 101" -- Ajay found 10 quarters ($2.50) resting in the change-shoot on the L.A. Times box. We lunched at Aunt Pratu's house in Cerritos. As I'm not a vegetarian, I went to Albertson's to acquire my rotisserie chicken... found another 2 quarters in the L.A. Times box in front of the store. At the outlets, we found 2 quarters, a nickel and 2 pennies. Ajay found a Disney "Madagascar" Gameboy SP game card resting atop a kiddie ride on the sidewalk in the outlets. He has a gameboy SP! Needless to say, happy is he with his spoils. During a stop for gas at the Arco station in Cerritos about 11:00pm, I found another nickel and three pennies. Desert Hills Outlets... worth the long trip! Total found on Day 174 - $3.65!

FMJ - Total Found: $563.47
Since Blog Inception: $102.85
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $518.00

FMJ - Day 173

No finds for day 173.

Friday, September 15, 2006

FMJ - Day 172

A single badly beaten penny found on Day 172. It was picked up in the parking lot near Albertson's on Madera Rd.

FMJ - Total Found: $559.82
Since Blog Inception: $99.20
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $518.00

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Happy Birthday to Maya! 10!

On day 171, Maya's Birthday, we found nine cents -- a nickel and 4 pennies. The nickel was found while shopping at the 99 Cents Only store. The 4 pennies were found at the Cosco snack bar... where I am eating their Chicken Ceasar Salad... very helpful for the diet. I'm hoping a little weight loss will help with the tennis. Recycling: another $4.00 for the fund.

FMJ - Total Found: $559.81
Since Blog Inception: $99.19
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $518.00

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

FMJ - Day 170

No finds were made on Day 170. 9/13 is Maya's 10th birthday! Yippee!

Monday, September 11, 2006

FMJ - Day 169

Total found on Day 169 was 44 cents. First find: a dime at the Costco snack bar in Simi Valley. Glenn, Dan and I stopped there after morning tennis for their Chicken Ceasar Salad. Yummy! Find#2: At the Taco Bell on Cochran Ave. -- 2 dimes & two pennies left as a donation on the self-serve drink fountain... A kid left them right in front of me as I was re-filling my drink... I guess he doesn't need the money... Kids are so rich these days, you know! Thanks, my unwise fellow Simi Valley compadre! In the evening, we went out for pizza at Topper's Pizza... upon leaving, we found a dime and 2 pennies.

FMJ - Total Found: $559.72
Since Blog Inception: $99.10
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $514.00

FMJ - Day 168

On Day 168, we found a nickel and 4 pennies. The first find occurred during our team tennis match against Pacific Tennis Club -- a penny beside court #8 bench at Arroyo Vista Park. I've joined Moorpark Tennis Club. Our doubles match was fun but, sadly, we lost 7-6, 7-6. The next find was made in the Target Shopping center parking lot in Moorpark. I had an after-match burger at the In-N-Out Burger there. There we found another penny. After the Burger, I shopped in the Target and found a penny and nickel. In the evening, we picked up the kids who stayed the saturday night with Grandma in Cerritos, CA. Found a penny near the King Dragon Restaurant in Cerritos. We did Carry-out chinese for supper. Total for the day - 9 cents.

FMJ - Total Found: $559.28
Since Blog Inception: $98.66
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $514.00

Sunday, September 10, 2006

FMJ - Day 167

Tennis in the morning... Doubles at Rancho Simi... played with a stand-in partner against Glenn and Dan... I'm really playing well the last few days -- crushing two-handed backhands returns like I'm 20 again. My intensity level was very high and I'm attacking at the net. I hope I can keep this up.

No coin finds for this day 167.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

FMJ - Day 166

No Finds to report for day 166.

Friday, September 08, 2006

FMJ - Day 165

A dime was found on the ground near the ATM at the Wells Fargo Bank on L.A. Ave.

FMJ - Total Found: $559.19
Since Blog Inception: $98.57
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $514.00

FMJ - Day 164

2 pennies found on Day 164. The first find was made while purchasing the morning paper at a newspaper box near Dan's Racquet Shop on Erringer Ave. in Simi Valley. The next find occured at lunchtime in the parking lot of Sharkey's Restaurant.

We turned in $10.20 worth of recycling -- add it to the fund and we now have $514.00 towards our first stock purchase. Thinking of Scottrade for the account.

FMJ - Total Found: $559.09
Since Blog Inception: $98.47
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $514.00

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

FMJ - Day 163

Three Cents found on Day 153. One was found laying in the dirt near the Rancho Simi Tennis Courts. My little Beamer needs a new "something..." not sure as it stalled out... I had to push it to a side street last night. Upon walking home, I found a penny... heads up! Penny number three was found in the Vons grocery store on Cochran Ave.

FMJ - Total Found: $559.07
Since Blog Inception: $98.45
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $503.80

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Trip to Hearst Castle -- FMJ: Days 161-162

On Sunday, we drove to San Luis Obispo to spend the night and partake in the SLO scene. Dinner at the Firestone Grill -- Nice Tri-Tip Sandwiches. Found 24 cents on the trip -- 2 dimes & 4 pennies. We drove 160 miles and made a stop at Pismo Beach to watch the surfers. Labor Day, we made it to Hearst Castle in San Simeon. My son found a penny in the castle. Tell W.R.H. that it wasn't his... Please? We made several stop along the way home to view the coast... I think the central coast of Cali in the finest in the world. We got a picture of a seal on a rock -- Neat. Dinner at The Great American Seafood Restaurant on the docks at Morro Bay. Morro Rock is quite a sight. Fish and Chips --- the Shrimp on a stick was very good. Found 35 cents -- a quarter, nickel and 5 pennies. Total for the trip: 59 cents.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

FMJ - Day 160

Day 160: Sixteen cents found in the form of a dime and 5 pennies. Two pennies found in the parking lot of Marie Callendar's in Simi Valley where we had brunch buffet. In the evening, we went to Cerritos to drive my little 320i back home... Found the dime and 3 more pennies while strolling Fashion Island shopping center in Newport Beach, CA.

I played tennis this morning... 3 hours of near perfect doubles on my part -- I had 10 aces and at least 15 service winners.... Serve & Volleyed very consistently. Sometimes you just play up in the zone. I'm playing on a newly formed team for the fall season. So, you 'll see more tennis tales on this blog.

FMJ - Total Found: $558.45
Since Blog Inception: $97.83
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $503.80

FMJ - Day 159

Eighteen Cents found on Day 159 while shopping at the Camarillo Outlets (3 pennies, a nickel & a dime.) The first find was a dime and 3 pennies while ordering burgers for dinner at the IN-and-OUT Burger near the outlets. A nickel was found in front the Adidas store.

FMJ - Total Found: $558.27
Since Blog Inception: $97.67
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $503.80

Friday, September 01, 2006

FMJ - Day 158

Found just two cents on Day 158. First find was made in front of Jack-in-the-Box on L.A. Ave. The next find was in front of Dan's Racquet Shop on Erringer Ave. in Simi Valley. My daughter got her first "real" racquet... not a hand me down from Dad or Mom. She deserves it!

FMJ - Total Found: $558.09
Since Blog Inception: $97.49
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $503.80

Thursday, August 31, 2006

FMJ - Day 157

First Day of school for the kiddos! Yippee! Daddy needs some morning tennis time. Now, I can have some time to work off the summer weight gain from all the summer fun trips with Maya and Ajay in tow. We spent alot of time at theme parks, hitting tennis balls on the practice courts -- Maya learned a good serving technique & Ajay is starting to hit one-handed forehands. We ate just about every meal out... Trips to San Diego, New York City and Washington, D.C.... Shopping! Yeah, I'd say they had a great summer... I think they'll remember this summer for a long time to come.

As for coin finds on Day 157... None were to be had.

Recycling update: Thanks to some of our beer drinking neighbors who donated their empties to the kids, we are able to add $7.56 to the B&C Fund. The fund is now over $500!

FMJ - Total Found: $558.07
Since Blog Inception: $97.47
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $503.80

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

FMJ - Day 156

On Day 156, my 320i arrived at the shipping terminal in Carson, CA... about 55 miles from Simi Valley. So, the afternoon was spent retrieving the car so I wouldn't incur any storage fees -- $25.00 per day. I drove my 733i to Carson and parked it on a residential street. Ajay and I walked to the terminal. Upon arriving, Ajay immediately noticed the 10 or more trucks with car trailers. Needless to say, he was impressed! We found 4 pennies while walking to the terminal. After paying for the car shipment, we drove my 320i to our cousin's house in Cerritos, CA... my little bimmer will spend a few nights there until I can drive it back to Simi Valley on the weekend. Last night, my wife's cousin, Kunal, drove us back to Carson to pick up my other car. While in Cerritos, we stopped at Cartridge World (the shop owned by "Uncle Kunal.") There, Ajay spent an hour learning how to clean and refill ink-jet cartridges. While he was doing that, I was busy at the sheriff's office getting an street parking permit for the 320i. Found 25 cents - 1 quarter - newspaper box change shoot! In the evening, I found 3 game tokens, I vietnamese coin and a 20 cent Hong kong coin. NEAT! Found them in the coin counting machine at the Ralph's grocery in Cerritos. Total found on Day 156 - 29 cents!

FMJ - Total Found: $558.07
Since Blog Inception: $97.47
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $496.24

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

FMJ - Day 155

Twenty-six cents acquired on Day 155 - a quarter & penny. An early morning run for a breakfast and newspaper at Carl's Jr. on Madera Rd. produced the penny. Later, while walking with the kids along L.A. Ave., we found a quarter resting in the change shoot on a newspaper vending box which was placed near the Denny's Restaurant.

FMJ - Total Found: $557.78
Since Blog Inception: $97.18
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $496.24

Sunday, August 27, 2006

FMJ - Day 154

We took a trip to the Antelope Valley... the towns of Lancaster and Palmdale are there. It's a drive of about 65 miles to the east of Simi Valley out in the desert. Very hot there most times. We had lunch at the Black Angus Steakhouse and shop at the Antelope Valley Mall. There's not much more to say about the trip... although, there building lots of new houses there starting about $300,000 less than comparable in size home here. Still, it's just too hot and boring there for us. We found $1.46 while browsing the shops in the mall -- 5 quarters, 3 nickels and 6 pennies.

FMJ - Total Found: $557.52
Since Blog Inception: $96.92
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $496.24

FMJ - Day 153

Three cents was found on Day 153. All finds were made while strolling the shop on State St. in Santa Barbara, CA. In the morning, I took our recycling to the recycling center... and thanks to a large donation of water bottles and beer cans from our Uncle Joe, Aunt Pratu and Aunt Anju, we are able to add $11.00 to the B & C fund.

FMJ - Total Found: $556.06
Since Blog Inception: $95.46
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $496.24

FMJ - Day 152

No finds were made on Day 152. It happens... some days are just no good.

Friday, August 25, 2006

FMJ - Day 151

A single penny found on Day 151. It was found by Ajay while shopping in the evening at Simi Valley Town Center.

FMJ - Total Found: $556.03
Since Blog Inception: $95.43
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $485.24

Thursday, August 24, 2006

DisneyLand! FMJ - Day 150

I took the kids to Disneyland yesterday. Mickey Mouse! Yep. The House of Mouse was a whole bunch of fun.... Ajay loved the roller coaster in Tune Town! At Innoventions, he was asked by the hostess what his favorite part of the day had been... his response was getting a pirate sword. Easily pleased, a 5 year old be. Maya, whose almost 10 and loves It's a Small World, is now leading Daddy around... always a few yards ahead... soon, she'll be too big to have Daddy tag along. Total expense -- $360.00, or there abouts. Total finds -- 3 pennies. Once again, Disney proved that theme parks are bad places to find money. The 50th anniversary fireworks were the best fireworks show I've ever had a chance to view. The mouse, although expensive, is still worth a trip or two.

FMJ - Total Found: $556.02
Since Blog Inception: $95.42
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $485.24

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

FMJ - Day 149

$1.28 found on Day 149 while having lunch at Weinerschnitzel Hotdog restaurant on L.A. Ave. in Simi Valley. 3 pennies were found near the counter. A single dollar bill and a quarter were found resting on the table next to us.

We're going to Disneyland this morning -- Day 150 finds from there... Maybe?

FMJ - Total Found: $555.99
Since Blog Inception: $95.39
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $485.24

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

FMJ - Day 148

Hey, that new Pioneer sound system I installed in my old bimmer... is awesome! It had a very past repair AM/FM Cassette before... so, nice to be able to play CDs. In the morning, I walked 6 miles to the tennis courts and Best Buy to pick up the car. We had the kids stay with their Aunties in Cerritos last night. Along the wayto fetch the car, I scooped a nickel and three pennies in coin finds. Also, picked up a few bottles and cans for the fund... neatly tucked them in my tennis bag. I stopped for lunch at this chicken chain called El Pollo Loco... They chargrill their chicken... Very tasty. Spent the afternoon crusing L.A. with the sunroof open and all the windows down blasting the stereo! Nothing more relaxing than crusing the town!

Last night, I turned in our recycling... add $2.96 to the fund.

FMJ - Total Found: $554.71
Since Blog Inception: $94.11
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $485.24

Sunday, August 20, 2006

FMJ - Days 146 & 147

Day 146 - Saturday... We found twenty-three cents while shopping and dining in Santa Monica. one dime, a nickel and 8 pennies. Third Street Promenade is the place for fun. If you ever have the chance -- Barney's Beanery for a bowl of their most famous chili! TOO YUMMY FOR WORDS!

Day 147 - Sunday... We found five pennies this day. I dropped off my old 1983 BMW 733i for a new Pioneer radio and speakers at the Simi Valley Best Buy... found 3 pennies on the walk home. In the afternoon, we shopped at the Citadel Outlets in Commerce, CA... found 2 pennies along our shop walk -- school starts in one week -- back to school shopping we did. (Yoda.)

Ajay is a new fan of Star Wars -- this weekend, he viewed Episode I - The Phantom Menace three times. So far, his favorite movies are Pirates of the Carribean, Star Wars I, and The Karate Kid. I've been in several sword and light saber fights with a few karate chops since his new found movie loves.. can you say, Ouch?

FMJ - Total Found: $554.63
Since Blog Inception: $94.03
Bottles & Cans Return Fund: $482.28